How do you say attend?
Both hand pointer fingers in the direction your going in a pinching motion
How do you say apartment?
Sign the letters APT
How do you sign bed?
Place your head in your palm.
How do you sign clear?
Join to hands together and create an explosion outwards.
How do you say book?
Bring both hands together and open them in a book like motion
How do you say Columbus?
Make a C shape with your dominant hand and shake it back and forth
How do you sign interpreter?
Sign F with each hand. Then connect the two hands together and tilt one hand downward. Once its tilted downward you drop your hand’s.
How do you sign dislike?
Place palm flat on chest and move hand outward and join middle finger and thumb and flick in disgust.
How do you say lights?
Flicking your chin with middle finger
How do you say dorm?
sign the D with your dominant hand and tap it on your chin then the bottom of your ear
How do you sign interpret?
Combine two F’s and shake one of your hand’s.
How do you sign hold-on?
Make a fist and shake it
How do you say door?
Palms facing outward with thumbs tucked and rotate one hand to face palm toward you
How do you say Ohio?
Spell out the word
How do you sign talk?
Bring your thumb to the bottom of your chin and wiggle your fingers
How do you say pencil?
Make a p with both hands then with your dominate hand you tap your tongue and then you tap the other p
How do you sign Cleveland?
Form a C shape then tilt your hand. Then drag your thumb from shoulder to shoulder
How do you sign, “how do you sign”
Sign how with two fists and thumbs up together and rotate one downward then use both index fingers and rotate them backward