Can you get credit for a GA if you don't take the final?
No (only exception is the 80% grade rule)
When are my weekly assignments due?
Monday nights
How many classes do you need to pass to stay active in GA?
at least 2
What should I do if I'm going to miss the weekly meetups?
Let your coach know ahead of time so arrangements can be made to make up the minutes
What is the name of your local advocate
(depends on your district)
What should I do if I took a quiz and only scored 1 point out of 20?
RETAKE the quizz~~~~!!!!
Name 3 ways I can contact my coach if I have questions
Text, Email, Phone Call, Meetups, Chat
How long are the periods at GA?
3 weeks
If I attend meetup for 2 hours one week, can I skip the next week?
Yes - BUT you still need two-way live check-in (either chat, or phone call)
what do I if I'm working on an assignment and my computer dies?!
Tech back-up plan!!!
I can earn my meetup minutes in advance if I want to take a vacation time (True or False)
True - but you also need to complete assignments early
How can I find out my percentage in a class? (how to tell if I'm at 60% or not)
Look on your dashboard and see "If class ended today" percentage
What happens if I don't complete a class by the due date
You must start all over again from the beginning and retake the ENTIRE class within 3 days
How many minutes of Meetup Time do you need each week?
at least 1 hour (60 min)
Name the City and State where Tyler lives
Salt Lake City, Utah
Name 3 classes required by WA state in order to graduate
Math, Government, World History, HSBP, PNW History, English
What happens during my LA meetups?
Themed discussion, social events, life skills, games
How often should you have a live check-in with your coach (Tyler)?
At least once a week
Is it ok to turn my camera off during a study session?
Only if you are taking a final (remember to share your screen)
What is Tyler's Favorite NBA team
Why is _____ class still on my dashboard?! I took it already!!
For a class to leave your dashboard you must either take the final exam (and pass it) OR in some cases, get your grade up above 80% and have meetup minutes earned.
How do I get rid of the No Authentication error??
Clear your cookies in Chrome!! (might need to refresh and log in again)
Where do I see Announcements and other Important Info? How do I RSVP for a meetup??
Log into your dashboard to view announcements and click COUNT ME IN to RSVP
What day does Tyler NOT host a meetup?
Wednesday (my admin day)
Where did Tyler go to school?
Utah Valley University (UVU)