Group of skeletal muscles that line the floor of the true pelvis.
Pelvic Diaphragm
The length of the vaginal canal in centimeters.
The outermost layer of the ovary.
Germinal epithelium
The normal anatomical position for the uterus.
The fallopian tubes course within these ligaments.
Broad ligaments
The most posterior pair of muscles in the pelvic diaphragm.
The length of a nulliparous uterus in centimeters.
The blood source for the ovary that extends from the internal iliac artery.
Uterine Artery
A marked anterior flexion of the uterus at the isthmus.
The short straight segment of the fallopian tube that extends laterally.
Muscles that border the ovaries laterally.
The maximum AP thickness of a post menopausal endometrium in millimeters.
The blood source for the ovary that arises directly from the aorta.
Gonadal or Ovarian artery
The arteries that penetrate the myometrium.
Radial arteries
Directs the released ovum into the fallopian tube.
Muscles that travel anterolateral to pass through the grater sciatic notch and attach to the superior portion of the greater trochanter.
The range of AP thickness for a post-pubertal endometrium in mm.
The layer of ovarian tissue that is responsible for oogenesis.
Peripheral cortex
The two ligaments that provide more rigid support for the cervix.
Cardinal and uterosacral
Propels a gentle current of fluid which aids in the transport of ova within the fallopian tubes.
Inner mucosal lining or ciliated epithelial cells
The muscle that passes through the lesser sciatic notch and attaches to the medial aspect of the greater trochanter.
Obturator Internus
The volume of an ovary for a woman between 15-55 years old in cc's.
The ligament that extends from the infundibulum and the ovary to connect the lateral aspect of the ovary to the lateral pelvic wall.
Infundibulopelvic ligament
The layer of uterine tissue responsible for producing contractions responsible for expelling the fetus during childbirth.
Where fertilization of the egg most frequently occurs within the fallopian tube.