Checks and Balances
Early America
Math 1

The first part of the constitution that starts "We The People" is the ... 

articles, preamble, bill of rights or amendments

What is the preamble


This is the branch of government that includes justice Clarence Thomas and justice Sonia Sotomayor

What is the Judicial Branch?


How many colonies were there in early America? This group came over in 1620 on the Mayflower to escape religious persecution and landed in Plymouth. Who are they?

What are 13


What is the absolute value of - 2986

What is 2986


Fill in the missing blank : Math stands for...

Mistakes Allow _______ to happen



The Constitution was written in the Constitution Convention in our nations first capital city. Is this city...

New York City, Washington DC, Boston, Philadelphia

Where is Philadelphia


This branch of government includes President Joe Biden and Vice President Harris and the rest of the cabinet

What is the executive branch


This state was established by William Penn as a home for religious groups like the Quakers, the Methodists, and the Amish. What state was this?

Where is Pennsylvania


In the number three hundred two and 7 tenths... what number is in the TENS place

What is a zero


What words does the mnemonic. device Does McDonlads Sell Burgers stand for? 

What are division, multiplication, subtraction and bring down


Before our current constitution was written, early America operated under this other document which called for a weak national government and a unicameral legislature. Was this document called the 

Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, or the Treaty of Paris

What is the Articles of Confederation


This branch of government can impeach the president and judges

What is the legislative branch


Led by John Smith, the first settlers settled in Virginia and 1607 seven. What was the name of the colony?

Was it Boston, New England, Mayflower, Jamestown

What is Jamestown


A negative number multiplied by a positive number gives what kind of answer

What is a negative number


What do the words in the mnemonic devise Please excuse my dear aunt Shaniqua stand for

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction


This group opposed the constitution because they believed that it did not provide enough rights to the individual citizens and gave the national government too much power. Are they called the 

federalist, the anti federalist, the loyalists, or the patriots

Who are the Anti- Federalists


The Great Compromise called for a bicameral legislature, meaning that our legislative branch is broken up into two chambers. What are these two chambers called?

What are the Senate and the House of Representatives


This event happened in Massachusetts and 9 British soldiers brutally killed 3 civilians and injured many in a crowd of protestors

What is the Boston Massacre?


When doing the operations, addition, multiplication and subtraction...What is it called when you exchange a particular place value column for 1 in the next place value

Is it called integers, algebra, regrouping, PEMDAS

What is regrouping


What time is the job fair on Thursday

What is from 1 pm to 4 pm?


following the preamble, there are seven blanks that describe the setup of legislation and how the government is organized. 

Are these called... Bill of Rights, Amendments, Articles, Preamble

What are Articles


This word refers to the power that the president has to reject a law made by Congress?

what is veto


Who was the pioneer that not only spread the news of the Boston massacre but also warned that the British were coming at the beginning of the Revolutionary War

Was it Sam Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere

Who is Paul Revere


What group of numbers includes whole numbers, natural numbers, integers, and fractions AND decimals

rational numbers 


Is a photograph taken at 9/11 considered a primary source or secondary source

What is a primary source
