What can you see in the picture?
bakery oven
how to say "ciasto naleśnikowe" in English?
pancake butter
how to say "chleb razowy" in English?
rye bread
how to say "ciasto czekoladowe" in English?
chocolate cake
what does the word "separate" mean?
what can You see in the picture?
dough rounder
how to say "ciasto francuskie" in English?
puff pastry
how to say "chleb pełnoziarnisty" in English?
wholemeal bread
how to say "ciasto truskawkowe z kremem" in English?
stawberry cake with cream
what does the word "rest" mean?
what can You see in the picture?
dough proofer
how to say "ciasto drożdżowe" in English?
yeast pastry
how to say "bułka z nasionami słonecznika" in English?
sunflower seed bun
how to say "szarlotka" in English?
apple pie
what does the word "knead" mean?
what can You see in the picture?
dough cutter
how to say "ciasto kruche" in English?
shortcrust pastry
how to say "bułka z makiem" in English?
poppy-seed bun
how to say "makowiec" in English?
poppy-seed cake
what does the word "rise" mean?
what can You see in the picture?
bread moulder
how to say "ciasto ptysiowe" in English?
choux pastry
co oznacza "piece of cake"?
how to say "rogalik z nadzieniem czekoladowym" in English?
chocolate-stuffed croissant
what does the word "set" mean?