What is Sydney's favorite store?
What can Sara talk about for hours?
Oragne Theory
Kate Spade
Who is Katlyn's favorite person?
What Disney pair is Apollo and Arthemis?
Tarzan and Jane
What emoji is Sydney?
Monkey covering the eyes emoji
If Sara were a flavor of ice cream what would she be?
Cookie Dough
She's liked by everyone and people are always happy to see her, just like the cookie dough!
What cookie flavor is Madison?
M&M Sugar Cookie
If Katlyen was a store what would she be?
What Harry Potter house is Harper in?
Fortune Redding
What would Sara's horse name be?
What Disney character is Madison?
Rapunzel from Tangled
What Scooby gang character is Katlyn?
If Danko were a drink what would he be?
Old Fashioned