Sort of like Vocab
How good is that Fit?
What does it mean?
Your Pattern did What?
Mixed Review

What does the r value tell us (2 things!)?

The strength and direction of a correlation


Which would have the larger r value?

Scatterplot A

Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What does the R2 mean

That 18% of the change in net worth can be explained by the change number of movies you are in. 


As x increases, y increases

what is a positive correlation?


How many girls were included in this study



This is a common name for Ethyl Alcohol 

What is Ethanol 


Which of the following r values represents the best correlation?

a) .89

b) .67

c) -.96

d) .95



Describe the realtive strength and the direction of this correlation 

moderate to strong negative 


Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What does the slope mean (be careful - this is a regression) 

That overall (in general, on average) your net worth increases .32 million for every movie you are in. 

What is the difference between the slope of a line and a regression line?

One is an estimate


This measure of center is less susceptible to outliers than the mean. 

What is the median


In "The Wizard of Oz", the lion was in search of this

What is Courage?


The percent of variation in the response variable that is explained by the variation int he predictor

What is the R2 value? 


Judging by the residual plot below, was the correct graph type fit to the data?



Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What would you predict for someone who has been in 6 movies? Do not round

1.97 million. 


You make a scatterplot of height versus weight for 2,000 kids from birth to 18. What sort of pattern would you expect to see? (describe the relative strength and the direction) 

Strong Positive


this signifies a score below the mean

What is a negative z-score


This is the primary ingredient in hummus

What are chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)


This is a way of estimating the 'average' error in a prediction from a regression line

What is RMSE?


True of false. Based on the residual plot below, The prediction errors generally decrease as the x value decreases. 



Ireland wants to see the relationship between the number of number of movies actors have been in (x) and their net worth in millions (y) She finds that the equation is y = .32x + 0.05 and the R=.18.

What does the y-intercept mean?

That in general those starting in the career (0 movies so far) have a net worth of .05 million (or 50,000)


You make a scatterplot that shows the number of concerts members of the senior class (at a large HS) have bought versus the money in their checking account. What sort of pattern do you expect to see?

Include relative strength and direction

Weak to moderate negative


This measures how spread out a data set is

What is standard deviation?


He was the skipper of PT 109 during World War II.

Who is John F. Kennedy

Plotting these can help us to determine if we fit the correct type of graph (linear, quadratic, exponential etc.) to our data. 

What are residuals?


Tom says that for a regression line to be useful to make predictions, you need the RMSE to be under 50. 

Kayla disagrees and says it is fine as long as the RMSE is below 100. 

Who do you agree with, and why?

Neither, it depends on the context, units and scale. 

Andrice fits a regression line to his data attempting to predict the age of a clam based on the thickness of its shell (in cm) at the hinge. He reads the equation from the top of google sheets

1.04*x +-2.5E-05 R2 =.62

Predict the age of a clam that is 2 cm thick. Please do not round. 

2.799975 years


Women's shoe sizes fit a normal curve. The mean US women's shoe size is 8 with a standard deviation of 1.5

What percentage of woman have shoes sizes between 5 and 9.5?



These are the five boroughs of New York City

What are Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island?
