Conflict Resolution
The impact of COVID

Is developing resilience important to maintain and protect mental health? True or False?


True. Developing problem solving skills, building strong interpersonal relationships, and creating realistic goals help enhance individuals daily life. 


True or false: Mindfulness is a type of meditation where you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment. 


Mindfulness practice refers to the practice of training the mind to pay attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and with nonjudgmental openness.


Two types of conflict resolution

Positive  and Negative


Coping skills are something everyone is born knowing how to do. True or False?


Coping skills are learned throughout our lives.


True or False? 

Healthy teens who use playing video games to cope showed greater increase in negative mental health symptoms 

True, time spent playing video games and the related problematic gaming behaviors (e.g., use of games to escape or relieve negative moods) have been associated with depression, anxiety, and physical health problems in adolescents


Resiliency is developing a set of skills that allows an individual to overcome the damaging effects of adversity? True or False?

True. Resilience is a set of internal and external factors that allow an individual to prevent, minimize, and overcome adversity.


What are some ways to practice mindfulness? 

-live in the moment (focus on the now)

-pay attention

-focus on breathing 

-write in a journal 

-start colouring


True or False; Communication, compromise and negotiation are some examples of positive conflict resolution


Rationale: These help you see the other person's point of view, learn about the other's needs and proactively think about how to deal with the conflict and improve the quality of the relationships


What makes a coping skill unhealthy? Can you think of an example of a bad coping skill ?

 When it does more harm than good. For example- Fighting with others, throwing things to settle anger, substance use, etc.


Fill in the blank: ______ shows positive mental health outcomes



C) Social media

Peer relationships/friendships


 What are some characteristics of a resilient person?


Self-awareness, ability to remain calm in stressful situations, positive coping strategies, positive self worth, ability to seek help, and healthy social relationships.


Why is mindfulness helpful for teens? 


Mindfulness exercises such as meditation will improve focus and concentration and can also help with self-esteem and memory. It can also reduce blood pressure, and heart rate, and help balance the immune system.


Give examples of negative conflict resolution. 


Peer victimization, avoidance, non-confrontation, manipulation, gaslighting

Rationale: These only delay the conflict and lead to ill feelings  and damages the relationship even further


Give an example of problem focused coping strategy.

Problem-focused coping examples- accepting social support, solving problems, seeking advice or information, and analyzing situations logically. 

Did you know ? There is another type of coping called emotion-focused coping involving withdrawing from the situation, engaging in wishful thinking, and distracting from the stressor.


What is a new coping strategy you have adapted during the pandemic?

No wrong answer. Examples: yoga, meditation, exercise, walking outdoors, staying connected with family/friends, playing music and instruments

watching tv, podcast, playing video games, writing, journaling, reading, drawing.


What skills will you incorporate in your everyday life to become a more resilient person?

There is no wrong answer!


Name 2 physical health benefits of mindfulness?

Some examples;

Reduces blood pressure.

Boosts the immune system.

Reduces stress 


True or False; Negative conflict resolution increases the risk of loneliness and depression 



List 3 healthy coping skills you use every day?

some examples:

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Write a note to someone you care about
  • Be assertive
  • Use humor
  • Spend time with friends and/or family
  • Serve someone in need
  • Care for or play with a pet
  • Encourage others

Who can I contact/reach out to when I’m struggling with my mental health?

Family, friends, and school resources such as a teacher, principal, or your in-school psychologist! Kids help phone (1-800-6686868), mental health helpline (1-877-303-2642). 
