What can grants fund?

projects, simple equipment, software, etc.

-to advance scientific occupation-based knowledge through research

-to support the training and research agendas for communities, clients, practitioners, or students

-to advance their professional careers 


What is a gross revenue?

the expected work volume X the billed charges

-the work volume may vary based on practice setting

-ex. 1000 units of therapeutic activity x $18 per unit = $18,000


What are morals?

they define personal values and beliefs about what is right or wrong


What is ethics?

ethics stresses the social system where these morals are applied


What is MMI? (workers comp)

max medical improvement is when coverage stops= plateau


What is an ethical dilemma?

when there is more than one option but neither is perfectly ethical


What is market analysis and why is it important?

The use of assessment techniques to understand customers, markets, and marketing effectiveness. Includes a detailed outline of the current state of your industry.


What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is used to plan for long term goals and requires developing strategies for attainment versus day-to-day management used for short-term goals. 

-time for strategic management is affected by high productivity needs in OT.

-guided by mission statement


What are ethical issues?

Ethical issues have an important moral challenge embedded in it


What is ethical distress?

the stress a person feels because they do not have options or are unable to do the ethical thing


What is workers compensation?

covers work related injuries

-claims and services approved by a case manager

-funding governed by individual states

-therapists (us) have to get pre-approval for all care and equipment

-employers often eager for job restrictions and worksite modifications

-Temporary Total Disability (most common), permanent partial disability (calculated by how much body is affected), permanent total disability (extreme, rare, cant work ever again at all)

-MMI- max medical improvement is when coverage stops = plateau

-Workers comp plans cover direct medical expenses (rehab, hospitalization, doctor visits, tests, surgery, drugs, etc.)


What is included in two way communication?

Two-way communication involves feedback from the receiver and sender. This allows the sender to know the message was received accurately by the receiver. Communication is also negotiated which means that the sender and receiver listen to each other and the messages, then gathers information to respond. 


What is classical management/leadership? What is behavioral management/leadership?

Classical focuses on efficiency & productivity vs. behavioral which focuses on human emotions & relationships

Classical- kinda autocratic, leader is motivated by their own ego and determines a future plan of action themselves. Takes less advice from peers, tries to influence employees through motivational speech.

Contemporary- aligns the organizations goals with the goals of the employees, motivates employees, don't micromanage day-to-day organizational activities.


What is management?

guiding an organization by planning, organizing, directing, and controlling


What does PPO stand for?

preferred provider organization

-not required to stay in network

-don't have to select a PCP

-no referral necessary


How should ethical dilemmas be handled?

-go to ethics committee or proper supervisor

-resources as a student and clinician: boss, other staff, ethics committee

-primary roles of hospital ethics committees: policy development, staff education, counsel to physicians, case review


What is HMO?

Health Maintenance Organization

-must stay in network

-must get a referral to see specialist


What is a logic model?

Used for program development- planning, implementation, evaluation

-Identify the situation and priorities

-Inputs (what we invest)--> Outputs (activities-what we do, participation-who we reach)--> Outcomes/impact (short term, medium term, long term)--> all consider Assumptions & External Factors --> Evaluation- focus, collect data, analyze & interpret, report


What are the differences between autocratic, authoritative, democratic, and laissez-fair management/leasdership?

Autocratic/Authoritative- control over all decisions with little input from others (useful in crisis situations)

Democratic- characterized by team members participating in the decision-making process. (good for change)

Laissez-faire- team members making decisions and the leaders being hands-off, nondirectional. (not good for change, but can be if workers are highly-motivated and self-directed)


What is transactional leadership and transformational leadership? 

Transactional- pragmatic give & take process--> do good work, get promoted. High performers get rewarded

Transformational- connect staff to heighten motivation, be perceived by staff as role model they want to emulate, deeply respected/trusted, shared vision, help staff grow through individualized consideration & feedback. Management + leadership= transformational leadership


What are the types of leadership?

1. Classical leadership style

2. Contemporary leadership style

3. Transactional leadership

4. Transformational leadership

5. Autocratic

6. Authoritative

7. Democratic

8. Laissez-faire


Types of supervision

direct- in immediate area

close- daily, direct contact with OTA at the work site

routine- regular face-to-face contact occurs. (can occur on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis depending on state requirements)

minimal- face-to-face occurs at least monthly (only in AZ)

general- OT is available by phone or written communication while OTA is providing services and face-to-face occurs at interval set by state. 


What is indirect supervision?

involves conversations over the phone, email, written notes, and other confidential electronic communications. 


What is the medicare-rehab reimbursement cap?

there is no cap (used to be), but over a certain dollar amount, an audit may be triggered 

no longer have caps on the maximum benefits per year

must demonstrate outcomes that support the need for OT services


What can influence trends?

Internet, social media, research, what insurance will pay for
