Motion and Forces
Earth's Systems and Space
Biological Change

This term measures how far something moves in a certain amount of time; this term measures how far something moves and in what direction

What is speed and velocity?


The distance from any point on a wave to the identical point on the next wave

What is wavelength?


The phenomenon that supports the Big Bang theory that shows galaxies are moving away from each other and can be proven by a "redshift" in their spectra

What is the expanding universe?


The difference between natural and artificial selection and examples of both.

What is, natural selection is the process of organisms inheriting advantageous traits that increase survival rate (ex: darwin's finches) and artificial is controlled by humans through breeding (ex: corn)


Describe Newton's 3 laws of motion

What is

1- an object at rest stays at rest, an object in motion stays in motion unless a force acts upon it

2- the acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the force applied

3- objects exert equal and opposite forces on each other


The difference between a mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave and an example of both.

What is a mechanical wave moves through a medium (ex: sound) and an electromagnetic wave does not require a medium (ex: light)


Describe the similarities and differences between faults and plate boundaries. Name what formations/phenomena can occur at these areas.

What is: a fault is a large break in Earth's crust and often has earthquakes. A plate boundary is a type of fault, but is much larger and is responsible for volcano and mountain formation, along with large earthquakes.


This happens in response to a rapid change in an organisms environment

What is adaptation OR extinction


This technology converts electricity into mechanical energy; this technology does the opposite of this, converting mechanical energy into electricity

What is an electric motor and generator?


1. Name of matter that transmits light

2. Name of matter that transmits light but does not let light straight through (scattered)

3. Name of matter that fully absorbs light

What is...

1. Transparent

2. Transluscent

3. Opaque


The source of heat in Earth's interior and when it formed in time

What is radioactive decay from the formation of the Earth 4.6 billion years ago?


A cat's front leg, a human's left arm, and a bat's left wing all share similar bone structures but perform different tasks. What can we conclude from this observation?

What is the cat, human, and bat all share a very distant common ancestor (different from analogous structures)


The three factors that affect a wire's electrical resistance and how it is affected (higher or lower)

What is a thinner wire has more resistance than a thicker wire; a long wire has higher resistance than a shorter one; a hot wire has higher resistance than a cooler wire


The two characteristics of a wave that affect its energy (can increase it or decrease it)

What is amplitude and frequency?

The two major differences between P and S waves

What is a P wave travels faster than S and can travel through solids and liquids?


Name the three domains of life. Under our domain, name the four kingdoms. Then, name what two parts make up an organisms scientific name.

What is Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria. Under Eukarya are kingdoms plantae, fungi, protista, and animalia. The two parts of a scientific name are the genus and species.


Name three forces that exist between objects that do not touch and describe an example of each

What is gravity, static electricity, and magnetism


The difference between incandescent light and fluorescent light

What is "light produced by heat" versus "light produced by a coating inside a bulb that converts ultraviolet light into visible light"

Three ways that tectonic plate motion affects the rock cycle (relates to the three plate boundaries)

What is uplift, subsidence, and rift zones


If many different organisms throughout history share similar physical structures used for various functions, what can we infer about these organisms' ability to survive in relation to these structures?

What is the fact that specific phenotypes within a population can increase the probability of survival of that species and lead to adaptation.
