What does the M stand for and what does it mean
Mind Activity! How you start noticing that you're getting angry and what you want to do about it. how you notice what's happening in your body
Tell us something you are good at
Very nice!
How many planets are in our solar system?
Convince an MSW Intern: Slytherin is really a misunderstood house and gets a bad rep from all those dark wizard weirdos...
Give it a whirl.
Someone steals a bunch of Pax dollars so they can buy a bigger prize: What is the cognitive distortion
Self-centered. This person doesn't care about other peoples feelings and is focusing on themselves.
What's the B stand for and why is it important
BODY Reaction. What happens to your body when you are angry and what does it look like?
Tell us a hope you have for yourself in the future
loooooooove it
What country invented the ice cream sundae
The United States
Convince an MSW Intern: Is minecraft a better game than Fortnite.
This person hit a staff member and when processing says "Doesn't matter, staff are paid to be beat up by kids and I didn't even hurt them."
Minimizing and mislabeling. This person is downplaying their actions and the effects it has on other people.
What does the A stand for
Activating event! What is the event that starts off the chain of anger
Tell us a way that you have been supportive to a classmate
well done!
Who gave the US the statue of liberty
Convince an MSW intern: Coffee is just so much more delicious than a monster energy drink
You guys gotta stop drinking those energy drinks....what even is guarine?! yellow 5? good lord...
This person stopped coming to school because they assume everypone is going to hassle them, the entire school day will be boring and that they are stupid and can't do school
Assuming the worst. This person immediately believes that school isn't for them instead of trying it out.
What does the C stand for?
Consequence. What happens when we make choices in how we deal with out anger
Who is someone that has had a positive impact on your life
oooooo! good one!
What is a group of crows called
A murder
Convince an MSW Intern: Champ is just a giant sturgeon with some props and costumes who is trolling us all.
Maybe? or it's a giant dinosaur
What's the cognitive distortion: This person broke their computer when they dropped it and immediately yelled at their neighbor and said they were distracting them and that's why they dropped it.
Blaming others. This person is blaming other people for their own actions.
Give an example of some self-talk statements we can use to diffuse anger controlling us.
You guys can totally do this...
Tell us a way that you make the classroom a better place
What is the nearest planet to our sun?
Convince an MSW intern: Teenagers should be allowed to vote
Yall can drive a car? why not drive the direction fo this country!
Cognitive distortion: This adult was joking around with a student and hurt their feelings by being too sarcastic. They didn't apologize to the student and said the student is being too sensitive.
Minimizing/mislabeling. They hurt someone's feelings and they should be accountable.