The cognitive distortion where we tell ourselves something is so awful or terrible we can't handle it.
Any person, place, or event that surfaces the urge for someone to use in recovery.
How many exercise bikes on the unit?
Physically addictive substances used daily can bring these uncomfortable physical symptoms known as....
Seeking Safety
Thinking in absolute ways such as, "always", "never", or "every." Ex. I never do a good job on anything.
All-or-nothing thinking
Skills that a person can use throughout his or her recovery journey. These skills – healthy and positive for mind, body, and soul – can be used to get through the bad days, the stressful days, and the days when a person just wants to use or drink.
Coping skills
What is the name of the fish in the clinical office?
It takes more and more of a substance to get the same effect which often fuels the desire and need for using larger amounts.
This artist was referred to as the "King of Pop", and died due to complications from prescription drugs in 2009.
Michael Jackson
Deeply held beliefs that influence how interpret our experiences. Ex. I am not worthy.
Core beliefs
Technique that allows you to focus on the present moment, to observe your internal experiences, and to accept them without judgment or negativity.
How many total number of peers are currently on the unit?
Failure to recognize the truth about a problem, particularly an addiction, is often referred to as this?
What does "DBT" stand for?
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Exaggerating or minimizing the importance of events. One might believe their own achievements are unimportant or that their mistakes are excessively important.
Magnification and minimization
The very first signs that you are moving away from your recovery goals and toward those situations and behaviors that you most want to prevent. Might show up in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors including changes in how you follow your daily routine, attend to your appearance and health including sleeping and eating, and changes in the way you relate to other people.
Early warning signs
What is the name of the psychiatrist on the unit?
Dr. Moosvi
Every bad choice we make can mean we have to face these later. Addiction can cause people to foolishly ignore these repeatedly.
What does "CBT" stand for?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This is the use of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
What are the names of the 3 clinicians on the unit?
When you spend too much, use too much or too often and life problems are steadily piling up, it is a good sign you have lost this.
Sometimes addiction can be directly linked to deeply disturbing or distressing experiences that occurred earlier in life all of which is referred to as.