What letters do you find in every single day of the week?
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Come up to the teacher to see what you will be drawing.
Answers will vary.
Come up to the teacher to figure out what you are acting out.
Brain Break
Everyone gets the points
How many months have 28 days?
12 months. All months have at least 28 days.
Come up to the teacher to see what you will be drawing.
Answers will vary.
Come up to the teacher to figure out what you are acting out.
Mad Gab: Say these words and figure out the hidden phrase.
Goat tooth a prints a poles off us.
Go to the principal's office.
What has a head, a tail, but not a body.
A coin
Come up to the teacher to see what you will be drawing.
Answers will vary
Come up to the teacher to figure out what you are acting out.
Say these words to figure out the hidden phrase.
Eye ham a grate stew dent.
I am a great student
10 copycats were sitting on a boat. 1 jumped out. How many are left on the boat?
None. They all copied off of the 1 who jumped out, so they all jumped.
Come up to the teacher to see what you will be drawing.
Answers will vary.
Come up to the teacher to figure out what you are acting out.
Brain Break
Draw a line on a piece of paper. Without touching that line, how can you make it longer?
Draw a shorter line next to it.
Come up to the teacher to see what you will be drawing.
Answers will vary.
Come up to the teacher to figure out what you are acting out.
Extra 500 to everyone!