translate into English: основы естественных наук
translate into English: третий
the third
Лиза поет песни сейчас.
Liz is singing songs now.
Art is second lesson on Monday.
Art is the second lesson on Monday.
Я не люблю Человек и Мир.
I don't like Man and the World.
translate into English: раскрашивать, рисовать красками
translate into English: второй карандаш и четвертая ручка
the second pencil and the fourth pen
В данный момент я делаю свою домашнюю работу.
At the moment I am doing my homework. | I am doing my homework at the moment.
The pupils is read now.
The pupils are reading now.
Смотри! Марк делает вещи своими руками.
Look! Mark is making things!
translate into English: У нас нет математики в четверг.
We don't have Maths on Thursday.
translate into English: Суббота - шестой день недели.
Saturday is the sixth day of the week.
Сейчас они не рисуют и не раскрашивают.
They are not drawing and painting now.
Do children write at the moment?
Are children writing at the moment?
Lucky You!
translate into English: Как зовут твоего учителя по английскому?
What is your English teacher's name?
translate into English: сто восемьдесят пятый
one hundred and eighty-fifth
Lucky You!
Look! He is solving problems in Maths.
Эти ученики часто пишут тесты.
These pupils often write tests.
translate into English: Ты любишь изучать природу или делать вещи своими руками?
Do you like to learn about nature or make things?
translate into English: Какой урок первый в твоем расписании?
What lesson is the first on your timetable?
Она слушает рассказы или читает истории в данный момент?
Is she listening to stories or reading stories at the moment?
I has got English and P.E. in Friday.
I have English and P.E. on Friday.
Ты решаешь задачи или играешь в компьютерные игры на информатике в данный момент?
Are you solving problems or playing computer games in IT at the moment?