Triad and True
I Saw the Sign
And It Opened Up My Eyes
Rhyme Time
Before and After

The triad for this condition is named after Claude Beck and include hypotension, JVD, and muffled heart sounds

What is cardiac tamponade?


A carpopedal spasm with inflation of a BP cuff named after Trousseau and a facial spasm named after Chvostek are signs of this electrolyte imbalance

What is hypocalcemia?


This term refers to inflammation of the iris, ciliary body, and/or choroid of the eye

What is uveitis?


The symptoms of this inflammatory joint disease following an infection are summed up by the rhyme "Can't see, can't pee, can't climb a tree"

What is reactive arthritis (Reiter's Syndrome)?


"Killing in the Name" is a song by this rock band combined with a description for the characteristic sound produced by a patent ductus arteriosus

What is Rage Against the Machinery like murmur?


This triad is characterized by hypercoagulability, endothelial injury, and venous stasis

What is Virchow's Triad?


This clinical dermatological sign can be seen in toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and pemphigus when separation of the upper layers and lower layers of the epidermis occurs upon slight rubbing of the skin

What is Nikolsky's Sign?


A temporary, painless loss of vision in one of both eyes can be a warning sign of stroke and is best known by its Latin name meaning "fleeting dark"

What is amaurosis fugax?


Diabetic retinopathy is characterized by these types of hemorrhages in the eye

What are "dot and blot" hemorrhages?

Keanu Reeves plays this title movie character exhibiting these lacy white lines on his oral mucosa associated with lichen planus

What is John Wickham Striae?


The atopic triad includes 3 conditions that typically occur together including atopic dermatitis (eczema), allergies, and this reversible airway constriction disease

What is asthma?


While considered a normal primitive reflex, dorsiflexion of the big toe and fanning of the other toes upon stimulation of the sole of the foot, also known as this sign, can indicate damage to the CNS in an adult

What is Babinski's Sign?


Leukocoria can be a sign of this condition that is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in children

What is retinoblastoma?


This condition is typically caused by a tumor on the four small glands located on the back of the thyroid and symptoms include "bones, stones, abdominal groans, psychic moans, with fatigue overtones" due to hypercalcemia

What is primary hyperparathyroidism?


Now known by a shortened name, this "College Dropout" rapper combined with an area of focal oligemia on a chest XR in a patient with a PE

What is Kanye Westermark Sign?


This condition results from an interruption of sympathetic nerve supply and is characterized by the triad of ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis

What is Horner syndrome?


Brudzinski's and Kernig's are bedside diagnostic signs for suspected meningitis but this procedure needs to be done to confirm the diagnosis

What is a lumbar puncture?

"Pinpoint pupils" may be a sign of intoxication or overdose of this class of medicationsq

What are opioids?


"Longer, longer, longer, drop, now you have a Wenckebach" or the progressive prolongation of the PR interval before a dropped beat on EKG represents this specific type of heart block

What is second-degree AV block, Type 1?


This Friday night television program produced by WWE and another name for the most common autosomal trisomy in newborns

What is SmackDown Syndrome?


Cholangitis becomes ascending cholangitis when these 2 are added to form Reynold's Pentad from Charcot's Triad of fever, jaundice, and RUQ pain

What are hypotension and altered mental status (AMS)?


Of the many signs for acute appendicitis, this one if positive when a patient experiences pain when the examiner flexes and internally rotates the patient's hip

What is the obturator sign?


Prophylaxis with this antibiotic ointment is routinely provided within 24 hours of birth to prevent neonatal conjunctivitis

What is erythromycin?


If you need to use your albuterol inhaler frequently, you may to add some additional medications to your SABA including salmeterol which is this type of medication

What is a LABA?


This rapper in a romantic relationship with Rihanna with a tick-borne rash that doesn't spare his palms and soles

What is ASAP Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
