A Rainy Day at the Farmer's Market
A Rainy Day at the Farmer's Market
Animals Passage

Matthew and his family go to the farmer's market regularly. Pick the two details from the passage that best support this inference.

1. Kayla helps load the crates onto the truck.

2. Matthew know his friend Jose will be there.

3. Grandmother bakes pies to sell at the market.

4. Dad knows the name of the parking attendant.

5. Matthey thinks the rain will allow them to stay home.

2. Matthew know his friend Jose will be there.

4. Dad knows the name of the parking attendant.


What happens. after Matthew and Jose open the umbrella?

A. The rain begins to fall.

B. The crowd begins to thin out.

C. Matthew visits Jose and his mother at their stand.

D. Matthew sets up the table with the fruits and vegetables



Select the two sentences that best support the idea that dancing may be a better way for animals to communicate than fighting.

Not all animals cooperate the way honey bees do. Most compete for food, territory, and mates. Fights take time and energy. Rivals risk injury and death, weakening the group as a whole. So some animals dance instead, using movements to make themselves look larger, stronger, and quicker than their competition. "Don't mess with me," they say.

Fights take time and energy; Rivals risk injury and death, weakening the group as a whole.


Read the sentence from the passage. I knew that my friend Jose and his family were supposed to be at the market, so I searched from them, keeping my fingers crossed that it didn't start to rain. 

Why does the author use the phrase "keeping my fingers crossed"? Pick three choices.

A. to shows Matthew feels unlucky

B. to show Matthew can move his hands easily

C. to show Matthew thinks the rain will not come after all

D. to show Matthew believes he can change the weather

E. to show Matthew is hopeful that the weather will not turn out bad

F. to show Matthew wishes he could have some control over his problem.

A, E, F


How does the author develop the idea that Matthew takes responsibility for his actions?

A. Matthew stops explaining to his dad about the boots and begins helpong.

B. Matthew comes outside in time to load the last crates of produce onto the truck.

C. Matthew is disappointed that he still must go to the market, even though it is raining .

D. Matthew asks his friends to help him carry the umbrellas carefully through the crowd.


Read the sentence from the passage. Because bees steer by the sun, the dancer links her directions to its position in the sky. Pick the word that best defines position as it is used in the sentence. 

A. job

B. opinion

C. order

D. place



The author uses the word disappointed in the passage. What group of words in the sentence best shows that idea?

It was a cloudy Saturday, and I thought we would be able to skip the Farmer's Market. I had hoped to do what I wanted today, but no suck luck.

"no such luck"


Read the sentence from the passage. 

I ran past tables of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and even homemade soaps and hand-knitted sweater, but I could not find Jose.

Choose two statements that best explain why the author chose to include this sentence.

A. To show that Matthew is good at running.

B. To probe that Matthew's problem is very serious.

C. To help the reader imagine the farmer's market.

D. To show that it was difficult for Matthew to find Jose.

E. To prove that there were many other sellers at the market besides Matthew's family.

F. To help the reader understand the different kinds of items that were being sold at the market. 

C, D


Reda the sentences from the passage. Finally I saw Jose. I ran over and almost collapsed. What does the use of the word collapse suggest?

A. Matthew is noisy.

B. Matthew is very helpful.

C. Matthew feels cheerful.

d. Matthew feels very tired.



How does the paragraph about Matthew looking for his cowboy boots add to the plot?

A. Matthew takes his time finding them, which adds to the calm feeling of the story.

B. Matthew spends a lot of time looking for them, which adds a feeling of mystery to the story.

C. Matthew gets too busy looking for them, causing him to forget the umbrellas, which sets up the problem in the story. 

D. Matthew is unable to find them, causing him to wear his sneakers, which builds on the character description in the story.



Which of these inferences about Matthew is supported by the passage?

A. Matthew does not get enough exercise.

B. Matthew wants to go to the farmer's markey.

C. Matthew does not care is his family gets wet.

D. Matthew enjoys eating his grandmother's baked goods.

Which sentence from the passage best supports your answer?

A. I has hoped to do what I wanted today.

B. Grandmother's homemade pies and cookies made my mouth water.

C. I realized I had forgotten the umbrellas.

D. I ran over and almost collapsed.

D, B


Read the summary of the "Red Fish, Blue Fish" section of the passage and the directions that follow.

The male betta fish would rather dance than fight. First, they turn toward each other and stretch out their skin and fins to look bigger. Then, they move side to side and quickly beat the water with their tails until one backs down. The loser lowers his fins and tail and swims away.

An important detail is missing from the summary. Select the sentence from the passage that includes the missing detail.

If threatened, male Siamese fighting fish switch back and forth between face-to-face and side-to-side positions. Facing each other, they flare out flaps of skin on their necks and extend their fins. This makes them seem twice their size. Side-to-side, they flicker their fins and beat the water with their tails. Tail beating gets faster and faster until one male backs down. The loser lowers his fins and puts his tail down. His bright red, blue, or purple body color fades to a dull hue. Defeated, he swims away. 

His bright red, blue, or purple body color fades to a dull hue.
