The Bible
The Beginnings
Jesus is Coming
Hope for our Future
Random Facts of Studio 678

These are the names of the two parts of the Bible.

What is... the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament
(Also accept Old Testament)


In The first two chapters of Genesis the first book of the Bible, talk about this theme.

What is ...God's creation of the world?


This cousin told everyone that the Messiah was coming in between eating bugs and dressing in animal skins. 

Who is John the Baptist?


The book of Ruth, Isaiah and Micah are located in this portion of the Bible. 

What is the Hebrew Bible?


These are the teachers of Studio 678.

Who are the Katakowski's, Mr. Rykse, Ms. Brykailo and Mrs. Michele


The phase below begins
The Bible was written for us..... and ends this way.

What is ...Not to us.

(The Bible was written by people at different times and places then we are at today. What was written was to share their own story of their relationship with God in the time that they lived. We can learn from their experiences but we must understand the context of when they were written.) 


God made people in this image.

What is ...God's own Image


God in the flash is also referred to as this name.

Hint: It starts with an M and is fancy. 

What is...Messiah


The name of this town means bread.  It is where Ruth went with Naomi and where Jesus is born. 

What is Bethlehem?


This breakfast item often appears in Studio 678 and is often put in the toaster. 

What is a Pop Tart?


These are the seven different genres in the Bible.

What are...Stories, Law, wisdom, Psalms, The Prophets
Letters and Apocalyptic writings


This action was the first sin(original sin) described in the book of Genesis.

Bonus: Sin is often described as this from God. 

What is ...Adam and Eve eating the apple from the tree of knowledge that God told them not to eat. 

Bonus answer: What is ... separation from God. When we start doing things, or acting in ways that go against what God wants for us we breakdown our relationship with God. 

Good News: God's grace is always stronger then sin and offers us a way back to a relationship with God. 


This word means God with us.
(Think Christmas time.)

What is...Immanual


This Moabite woman went as a widow with her mother in-law to a foreign land to live.  She eventually remarried and her child became a member in the ancestors of Jesus.

Who is Ruth?


This is the name of the Bible Curriculum we use in Studio 678.  It has many different four week series. 

What is Fathom?


These are the seven basic plots of the Bible stories. 

What are...Create, Invite, Act, Redeem, Experience, and Hope


God dealt with Noah in the book of Genesis in this way. 

What is...God had Noah build an ark then flooded the world


This is a story that Jesus tells that is suppose to teach a lesson.  

What is a parable?


From the book of Micah this is what the Lord requires of you. 

What is to do justice, embace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8


On the first Sunday of every month our class participates in this activity with the rest of the church. 

What is communion?


These are the five steps to interpreting the Bible. 

What are...Floodlight-The Big picture
Flashlight-The focused context
Headlight-In Front of Us
Shadow-A glimpse of Jesus
Laser-Personal application


This is the name of the tall building people build in the book of Genesis so they could get closer to God.

Hint: It's fall made people talk in many different languages. 

What is...the Tower of Babel.


Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called children of God, is an example of this.  

What is  a beatitude. 


This type of person proclaims the will and the way of God.

What is a prophet?


These are special worship services in which Studio 678 attends worship instead of class. 

What are....Bible Sunday, January Kid Movie Sunday, Confirmation Sunday, Kid's Musical Sunday, Easter Sunday, Youth Worship Sunday?
