Tribes and more
Westward Expansion
Cultural exchanges
English Settlement
Guess the president(s) from music decades *bonus*

The civilization who lived in central Mexico, had a city that is now modern day Mexico City, what is it’s name?

What is Tenochtitlán? 


In 1492, Columbus was set to make his first westward voyage, what are the names of the three ships?

What are the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María?


This exchange was between the Old and New world, which would include diseases, foods, and a rush of immigration. What was its name?

What is the Columbian Exchange?


The first document to establish a self-government system in the New World, what was its name?

What is the Mayflower Compact? 


During the release of pop song, "All Night Long" (1983) by Lionel Richie, this president was in office. 

Who is, the conservative man, aka, mr. poverty increase, aka President Ronald Reagan? 


Meso-American societies including the Mexica developed a religion based on what?

What is Human sacrifice? 


This disease had made it possible for the Spanish to conquest the Aztec empire, what was the name?

What is Smallpox?


Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, chili, and vanilla were a part of which world?

What is the New World?


The first established English settlement in 1607, in, the New World was named what?

What is Jamestown, Virginia?


This American rock classic, "rolling on a river"(1970),  preformed by rock legend, Tina Turner, was released during the presidency of this US president. 

Who is Watergate aka, out on a case, aka, President Richard M. Nixon? 


Archaeologists believe that this civilization lived around 13,000 years ago. Who were they?

Who are the Clovis people?


Spain had devoted greater resources and energy into this warfare device, which would replace Portugal as the leading seafaring nation. What was it?

What is Maritime?


The Spanards were trying to convert the Native Americans, to what religion?

What is Christianity?


In 1609, the English explorer, Henry Hudson, had sailed up a river of this state, what is this state's name?

What is New York State?


This famous rock  tune, "Johnny B Goode" (1958), performed by Chuck Berry, was released during the presidency of this president. 

Who is President Dwight D. Eisenhower? 


These tribes hunted by salmon fishing, and would create settlement homes along the coast, where were they located?

Who are the Tribes of the Pacific Northwest?


This Spanard became known as the first European to fight his way across the Isthmus of Panama in 1513, what was his name?

Who is Vasco De Balboa?


This system was a labor system established by the Spanish Crown in the 1500s to establish the status of Native Americans, what was its name?

What is the Encomienda System?


France’s first permanent settlement in America was found in 1608, and it was  located where?

What is Quebec?


"That's the way love goes" (1993) was released by Ms. Janet Jackson. During the time, this US president was in office. 

Who is, I never had an affair, aka, crime bill, aka, President Bill Clinton? 


The Iroquios had five distinct northern “nations”. What were one of their names?

Who are The Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk?


This Spanish law had banned brutal military conquest, and left the Spanish expanding their presence in America through colonization, what was this law's name. 

What is the Ordinances of Discovery?


This Spanish fort established in 1565, became the first permanent European settlement, what is its name?

What is St. Augustine, Florida?


Hudson, Delaware, and Connecticut Rivers, were created trading posts of which company?

What is the Dutch West India Company?


Rap classic, "Hot in Herre" (2002) performed by Nelly, was released during the presidency of this US president. 

Who is, aka, boot thrown, aka, tardy president, aka, President George W. Bush? 
