Aller, Tourner, et Continuer in English
To go, to turn, and to Continue
What is "Chanter" in English?
To sing
What is "Snake" in French?
Un Serpent
What is "eyes" in French?
Les yeux
North and South in French
Nord et Sud
What is "to live" in French?
What is "a grey rabbit" in French?
Un lapin gris
What is "les mains" in English
The hands
Translate to English "En face de un magasin"
Across from a store
Translate to English "J'aime dessiner"
I like to draw
Translate to French "a pink chicken"
Un Poulet rose
Translate to English "Il a un oreille violet"
He has a purple ear
Translate to English "Ou se trouve un bibliotheque"
Where can I find a library
Translate to French "She hates basketball"
Elle deteste basket-ball
Translate to English "La queue de le Renard est vert"
The tail of the fox is green.
Translate to English "Nous avons mal au bras"
We have a bad arm
Translate to French "In which direction is the bakery"
Dans quelle direction est le boulangerie?
Translate to English "Il va travailler chaque jour de semaine"
He goes to work each day of the week
What animal eats Bananas?
Un singe
Translate to French "I have a bad blue leg"
J'ai mal a la jambe bleu