This bodybuilder/actor had all of his lines in “Hercules in New York” redubbed by someone without an Austrian accent.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
This “Hotel California” band first came together to back Linda Ronstadt at a concert at Disneyland.
The Eagles
A Celtic tradition of using hollowed-out turnips with candles inside led to these distinctive & larger Halloween gourds.
What your host calls his sister.
At the center of an egg (4).
Chris Farley recorded most of his lines as this title Ogre before his death; Mike Myers replaced him.
Oddly, female rapper Megan Pete calls herself “Megan Thee” this word for a male horse.
It’s said these 2 colors trace back to the Festival of Samhain, one representing death and the other the Autumn Harvest.
Black and orange
A 2.0 GPA.
The Abominable Snowman (4).
All of David Prowse’s lines in “Star Wars” were redubbed by this actor.
James Earl Jones
In 2019, this 5-letter rap & R&B artist had the “Juice” to be nominated for best new artist at the VMAs.
The first time the White House was decorated for Halloween was in 1958, when she, Ike’s better half, hung owls & goblins.
Mame Eisenhower
Friends of the King of Rock ‘N’ Roll sometimes called him by this single letter.
Seinfeldian term for “etc.” (4-4-4).
Yada yada yada
Samantha Morton recorded the lines on set as the A.I. assistant in this 3-letter film but was replaced by Scarlett Johansson.
In 2019, Madonna performed at but did not compete in this international song competition.
Euro Vision
This no-hands Halloween game may be related to the Roman celebration of the Goddess Pomona.
Bobbing for apples
Have a grand time with this Roman Numeral for 1,000.
Used to express fear or astonishment. Also, a Nicki Minaj tune (5).
In Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, Andie MacDowell originally played Jane, but was later dubbed over by this actress, most famous for playing a jealous mistress in Fatal Attraction.
Glenn Close
This Jackson Browne album about life on the road was recorded onstage, backstage, in hotel rooms and on a tour bus. He’d better fill up with gas in a hurry.
Running on Empty
This 20th century magician’s museum in Scranton, PA features an online séance every Halloween.
Harry Houdini
The setting of an adjustable lens aperture is a this-stop.
A real Yiddish busybody (5).