What do cows drink?
What is water
The soul that is tethered to springtrap?
William Afton
The worst ship to ever exist that isn't viable in any universe
What is Nash x Hugo
The concoction that makes up "lean"
What is Sprite, codeine, and jolly ranchers
The game with the bean character who may at times be suspicious
WHat is amog us
Who played the lead in the 2009 movie "Paul blart: Mall cop"
Who is Kevin James
What happened in the bite of 83?
What is crying child got his head bitten ;-;
The two people that make up the "aesthetic duo"
Hugo and Leo
The other name that lean can be referred to as that starts with an "S"
What is Sizzurp
The person who also like trivia
What is the latin word for Poison?
How many Fnaf characters have snouts (not counting variations)? (If clarification is needed for what classifies as a snout just ask :) )
What is 5?
The number of members there are in trail mix. (Not including bots)
(Don't look at it or I swear to god. Don't be lame /srs)
What is 34?
the two people that make up "Lean" duo
Nash and Iz
In what year was TBH first posted? (double points for the month)
What is 2021?
Which country invented Ice cream?
How many FNAF games are there IN TOTAL?
What is 14?
How many reasons did Nash give Hugo to try to convince hugo to date him?
What is 25
One of the six common signs of codeine abuse
What is
What is the best movie of all time?
What is Morbius?
The size of an Olympic size swimming pool
WHat is 50m
How many FNAF BOOKS are there IN TOTAL?
What is 23
the number of results that pop up if you search up the word "gay" in the server?
(Don't be lame and search it up. It isn't fun if you do that /srs)
What is 4,915
How many members does the r/lean subreddit have?
What is 69k
How many POPULAR Markiplier memes are there?