The parent must send this notice at least 10 days before unilateral placement
Ten Day Notice (TDN)
This classroom setting includes both children with and without disabilities and two teachers
Integrated Co-Teaching Classroom (ICT)
The maximum amount of time that can pass in between IEP meetings
1 year
Both parties need to do this at least 5 business days before a hearing
The DOE needs to send this notice to the parent after an IEP meeting delineating the IEP recommendations
Prior Written Notice
This classroom teaches students in two languages and promotes cultural appreciation
Dual Language (DL) classroom
The IEP team must review this section at least once a year
Annual goals
The DOE must implement an order within this many days after a decision is rendered
30 days
The DOE must send this letter to a student that needs to change schools in order for their IEP to be implemented
School Location Letter
This district serves students with disabilities only
District 75
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
In a hearing alleging the denial of FAPE, the DOE must prove the first prong of this test
Burlington/Carter test
This signed document is required before the DOE can make a change in a student's IEP without holding an IEP meeting
Waiver to Amend
This district works with over-age under-accredited students and focuses on vocational training
District 79
The most important member of the IEP team
The parent/guardian
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
The DOE must send this to the parent at least 10 school days before an IEP meeting is held
IEP Meeting Notice
The most restrictive placement an IEP team can consider
Home instruction
This school staff member must be present at an IEP meeting in order for the team to recommend a deferral to CBST
The school psychologist
Either party must inform the other of their intention to do this within 25 days after a decision is issued