Who flies to the moon?
An astronaut
What color is the sky?
Where can people borrow books?
A library
When do leaves fall from trees?
In the fall or autumn
Why do people go on vacation?
To relax and rest
Who brings pizza to people’s houses?
A delivery person
What do people use to call someone?
A telephone
Where do people get gas?
A gas station
When do flowers bloom?
In the Spring
Why do people turn on lights?
So they can see in the dark
Who plays music?
A musician
What machine cleans dishes?
A dishwasher
Where do people get their teeth cleaned?
At the dentist
When does school end?
June 24th
Why do people wear shoes?
To protect their feet
Who cleans a school?
A custodian
What meal do people eat in the morning?
Where do sharks live?
In the ocean
When does it snow?
In the winter.
Why do people get a job?
To earn money; to pay the bills
Who fixes broken pipes?
A plumber
What do bees make?
Where do people make dinner?
In the kitchen
When do people wash their hands?
When they are dirty; before they eat; after using the bathroom.
Why do people have friends?
To share and feel happy