Personal Background
Mission Statement
Core Values
Vision Statement

Why I became a teacher

I have a love for history, education and passion for helping others. I received a lot of help and support throughout my time in K-12. I became a teacher to support others like my teachers did for me. 


What is my mission statement 

To prepare every student for college, career & life


Compassion in education

To be empathetic, humble, ethical, and treat others with respect.


What is my vision statement

To create a school that is welcoming, full of opportunities and that inspire all students to go places and do things that matter.


Influences for becoming an educator

-My grandma, who was a school phycologist and a resource/ELL teacher. 

-My resource teacher from k-8. Who helped with my dyslexia and gave me strategies that I still use today. 

-My AP US History teacher that pushed and prepared me for college and becoming a history teacher.


The importance of college in the mission statement

I believe every student is entitled to a quality education that prepares them to succeed in post-secondary education environment. This means be ready and applying to universities, community colleges, or trade schools. 


Collaboration in education

Schools are better and smarter together, thriving with inclusivity, transparency and compromises.


Welcoming school environment

One of the most important things I can do as a school leader is create an environment that all students and families are warmly welcomed into. Schools need to be a safe, inclusive, and caring environment for all.


My current teaching experience 

I have taught for 6 years at a Title 1 high school level. My experience includes world history, US history, AP US history, and a few law electives. I have taught 9-12 grades. 


The importance of career in the mission statement

All our students are going to enter the workforce after graduating or post-secondary education. We need to prepare students for what careers are available, how to enter these fields and be successful after leaving school. 


Creativity in education

Schools need to be entrepreneurial, innovative, and flexible in our modern, competitive world.


Opportunities & inspiration at school

Schools are a place of learning and exploration. We owe it to our students, parents and other stakeholders to give as many opportunities as possible in and out of class. I want students expand their horizons and become inspired by something that excites them. 


Other experience outside the classroom

I am the department chair of the social studies/law magnet and supervise 12 people. I sit on the PBIS, advisory, testing and the instruction cabinet committees. I am one of the STUGO representatives and I have coached baseball for four years. 


The importance of life in the mission statement

Schools also help prepare our students for life outside of education and jobs. We need to help our students socially and emotionally learn about dealing with their emotions and that of others. Schools should prepare students to know what comes after school and how to be active citizens in our nation.


Consciousness in education

Schools exist within a highly complex, political environment, and we make decisions that take into consideration the personal, professional, and political implications for all stakeholders.


Going places & doing things that matter

Schools are preparing students to take on the ever-changing world. There are many issues nationally and internationally that need attention and our students are going to be prepared to take them on. 


Why I want to become an administrator

I want to help provide opportunities, inspire students and make sure they are prepared for college, career and life. I want to help and empower teachers to  provide those opportunities and be the inspiration for what our students.


Why I believe in this mission statement

I truly believe in the mission statement, to prepare every student for college, career & life. We owe it to all the stakeholders in our community to prepare our students. Whatever our students chose to do after graduation, they should have the skills to pursue it successfully.


Commitment in education

Choosing to serve the community and take on the challenges facing our students and all stakeholders. To stay committed to always improving and reinventing our schools to better serve the community of today and tomorrow.


How the vision statement will be enacted

Everything we do as school will be done through the lens of the vision statement. As a school leader, I will be committed to making positive change and helping our teachers carry on the vision of the school in and out of the classroom.
