
How old is our solar system?

a.4.1 billion years

b. 4.57 billion years

c. 2.8 billion years

d. 3.6 billion years

What is b? 4.57 billion years


Name the third Planet from the sun, the only planet with water on the surface. Our home planet? 

a. Earth 

b. Mars

c. Venus

d. Pluto

What is a? Earth 


Name that Constellation:

a. Hercules

b. Virgo

c. Aquarius 

d. Pluto

What is c? Aquarius 

 While one of the biggest, most famous, and oldest named constellations, Aquarius is faint and often hard to find/see. In Greek mythology, Aquarius represented Ganymede, a very handsome young man. Zeus recognized the lad’s good looks, and invited Ganymede to Mt. Olympus to be the cupbearer of the gods. For his service he was granted


Name the Space Center we discussed this month: 

a. The Alien Museum 

b. Space Center Houston

c. Rocket Space Museum 

d. Out of this World Museum 

What is b? Space Center Houston


The headquarters of NASA is located in?

a. New York City

b. Raleigh

c. Delaware

d. Washington D.C

What is d? Washington D.C


Name the galaxy that has the same name as this chocolate candy?

a. Milky Way 

b. Babe Ruth 

c. Hershey

d. Heath Bar

What is a? Milky Way


According to NASA how many orbiting planets are there? 

a. 10 planets

b. 8 planets

c. 5 planets

d. 2 planets

What is b? 8 planets

Name that Constellation:

a. Canis Major

b. Virgo

c. Aries

d. Libra

What is a? Canis Major

Canis Major is a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. In the second century, it was included in Ptolemy's 48 constellations, and is counted among the 88 modern constellations. Its name is Latin for "greater dog" in contrast to Canis Minor, the "lesser dog"; both figures are commonly represented as following the constellation of Orion the hunter through the sky.


Which State is the Space Center Houston in? 

a. North Carolina

b. Ohio

c. New York 

d. Texas

What is d? Texas


Name of the first man to walk on the moon? 

a. Tom Hanks

b. Neil Armstrong

c. Alan Sheperd 

d. John Glenn

What is b? Neil Armstrong


What sound do you hear in space?

Trick Question: There is no sound!


Name the smallest planet in the Solar System? 

a. Jupiter 

b. Pluto 

c. Venus

d. Mercury

What is d? Mercury


Name that Constellation:

a. Virgo

b. Gemini

c. Cygnus

d. Virgo

What is b? Gemini

Gemini represents the twins Castor and Pollux. While the twins’ mother was Leda, Castor’s father was the mortal king of Sparta, while Pollux’s father was King Zeus (He seduced Leda in the form of a swan, remember? These stories tend to all tie together!). When Castor was killed, the immortal Pollux begged Zeus to give Castor immortality, which he did by placing the brothers in the night sky for all time.


How much is a Senior ticket for entry into Space Center Houston?

a. $27.95

b. $30.25

c. $42.50

d. $20.00

What is a? $27.95


By the end of the 1960s, what president gave NASA a goal of sending man to the moon?

a. George Bush

b. Herbert Hoover

c. John F. Kennedy

d. Theodore Rosevelt 

What is c? John F. Kennedy


What brand was the first commercial soft drink that was ever consumed in space?

a. Pepsi 

b. Sprite 

c. Coca-Cola

d. Dr. Pepper

What is c? Coca-Cola


Name the largest planet in the Solar System? 

a. Mercury

b. Uranus 

c. Jupiter 

d. Earth

What is c? Jupiter


Name that Constellation: 

a. Libra 

d. Cuagnes

c. Virgo 

d. Leo 

What is d? Leo

Leo has been a great lion in the night sky across almost all mythological traditions. In Greek lore, Leo is the monstrous lion that was killed by Hercules as part of his twelve labors. The lion could not be killed by mortal weapons, as its fur was impervious to attack, and its claws sharper than any human sword. Eventually Hercules tracked him down and strangled the great beast, albeit losing a finger in the process.


What decade did Space center Houston open?

a. 1940's

b. 1930's

c. 1920's

d. 1910's 

What is c? 1920's 



On 20 July, 1969, the first man walked on the moon as a part of which mission?

a. Apollo 11 mission

b. Rover 4 mission 

c. Apollo 13 mission 

d. Rover 6 mission 

What is a? The Apollo 11 mission 


 Name of the first artificial satellite in space? 

a. Mars Rover

b. Apollo 50

c. Red Rover

d. Sputnik

What is d? Sputnik


Name the orbiting planets in order from closest to farthest from the sun:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune 


Name that Constellation: 

a. Pisces

b. Leo

c. Virgo

d. Libra

What is a? Pisces 

The two fish of the sky represent Aphrodite and her son Eros, who turned themselves into fish and tied themselves together with rope in order to escape Typhon, the largest and most vile monster in all of Greek mythology.


At Space center Houston, those working at Space Center Houston heard Niels Armstrong's Famous words which were?

a. “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.”

b. "To infinity and beyond!"

c. "Adventure is Out There!"

What is a? "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." 


The acronym "NASA" stands for?

a. Never Adventuring Somewhere Away 

b. Now Assembling Space Adventures

c.  National Aeronautics and Space Administration

What is c? National Aeronautics and Space Administration
