Disney conventions
Disney interesting facts of film
Disney interesting facts
Disney or Suspense?

True or false:

Disney uses complicated lighting in their movies.

What is false? 

Disney uses very simple lighting (even in scary/intense parts) in almost all of their films (animated and not). 


True or False:

Disney was the only animator allowed to use colour until 1936.

What is true?

In May of 1932, the first three-strip Technicolor camera was complete. Walt Disney had a contract with Technicolor that gave him the exclusive filming rights to the three-strip technicolor system—no other film studio could release a technicolor film with this system until 1936!


True or False:

Disney's first character was a mouse.

What is false?

Disney's first character was a rabbit called Oswald. Mickey Mouse wasn't created until a year later. 


The movies/stories are typically built around relationships:

Disney or Suspense

What is Disney?

suspense is typically built around uncovering things slowly for the audience and coming to a dramatic conclusion. There are elements of relations often, but it isn't the key focus. 


Disney uses mainly what kind of music in their movies?

What is orchestra/big band/classical?


Disney uses song to...

What is take away or build tension within the story?

would also accept:

What is progress the story?

What is let out strong emotions?

What is analyse a character's inner thinking?


Why is there often one or both parents missing in many early Disney films?

What is Walt Disney had parental issues as a kid?

His dad was strict and distant and his mother died youngish, causing people to speculate that his Disney stories have a lack of parents because of bad feelings for his dad and guilt from his mother's death. 


Often uses mid-shots/long shots and eye level shots:

Disney or Suspense?

What is Disney (more simplistic camera work)?

Suspense uses high shots, birds eye, moving camera, distortion and close ups more than standard shots to show emotion and distort the audience's perception (although Disney does close up to show emotion too). 


Name a specific Mis en Scene convention (setting, props, costume) that Disney uses.

What is (a range of different answers could be given including):

period costumes/setting?

cultural costumes/setting?

an animal sidekick/talking animal/goofy animal (not always)

villian in dark clothes/easy to tell villian

progonist in bright clothes/white clothes/easy to tell protagonist

scene sets the atmosphere - dark/night = mysterious/ bright sunny = safe and happy

usually some kind of natural setting or realistic (house/ garden/yard/bedroom/school)


Disney plot often follows the three part story: equilibrium, disequilibrium, and restoration. What do these terms mean? 100 points for each term

equilibrium = means everything is balanced and happy

disequilibrium = means things are not as they should be

restoration = means everything returns to normal

bonus 100 points: Most of the story takes place in which part of this type of plot?

disequilibrium - the majority of Disney stories take place when things are not as they should be and the characters spend the main part of the movie trying to find balance again. 


How many Disney parks are there in the world?

What is 6?

50 bonus points for each park named (scroll below for answers):

Tokyo Disney

Shanghai Disney

Hong Kong Disney

Paris Disney

Disneyland (California)

Disney World (Florida)


parallel editing (showing two things happening at the same time with cut scenes of both happening until the events merge together):

Disney or Suspense?

trick question (that is why it is 300)! What is they both use it?


Why do Disney characters and actors often use cutsie voices instead of regular voices?

What is (many answers are accepted):

to appeal to a younger audience?

to seem more family friendly?

to separate it from other movies?

to show a clear distinguish between good and bad?

to provide an element of unrealness/magic/mysticalness


The Disney corporation owns/bought out a number of broadcasting/film companies (not including Disney). Name 4 of them.

100 points for each

Scroll down on answer for a 5 minute discussion question

What is:

Lucas Films (Star Wars)

Marvel Universe

Indiana Jones franchise


21st Century Fox (Simpsons)

ABC (American Broadcasting Company)

ESPN + (sports)


The History Channel

National Geographic

Disney owns over 200 companies

Discussion question: How has Disney's buyout of these companies changed their (LucasFilm, Pixar, etc)films? Discuss with neighbors then as a whole class.


How is Disney progressive?

What is (answers can vary):

they haven't used plastic in their parks in years?

they change their Disney characters based on how society is changing - first Disney princesses needed rescuing, then they started saving themselves, then they didn't need a prince?

they appeal to kids imagination and future problem solving while still appealing to adults?

they discuss real-world issues in very simplistic ways?


Uses close ups on the face to show emotion:

Disney or suspense?

Trick question again! What is both?


How are female leads often portrayed (acting/mis en scene) in Disney movies (not just animated)?

What is hour glass figure?


What is kind facial expressions?

What is dainty?

What is often wearing paler colours?

What is having big hips and a small waist?

What is young looking with a kind disposition and paler skin?


Two part question:

How many animated movies have Disney (not Pixar or anything) produced? 250 points 

How many non-animated movies have Disney produced? 250 points

Closest group gets the points. 

What is 60 animated movies?

What is over 140 non-animated movies?


How did Walt Disney make his animals seem more realistic in his animated productions?

What is, he brought real animals onto sets regularly for inspiration?

Fun fact: during the production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, live rabbits, skunks, and horses were brought in for the animators to study. Likewise, two fawns roamed around during the production of Bambi.


3 part question:

uses shadow more (150 points)

uses silence more (150 points)

builds in musical intensity (200 points)

Disney or Suspense?

What is suspense uses shadow more?

What is suspense uses silence more?

What is both suspense and Disney build in musical intensity (though different kinds of music/sound)?
