Time of day when teachers should ensure that students are in dress code
What is at morning assembly/before school starts?
When the car line is dismissed
What is 3:20?
No running, tag-like games, laying down, or food are allowed around this area
What is on the play structure?
These are property of NDV and may not have any decorations/stickers/magnets/or adhesives on them - including Birthday decorations
What are lockers?
These types of headphones are not allowed
What are bluetooth/wireless?
Dangling earrings, nail polish, bracelets, chains, smart watches, and wireless headphones are all examples of . .
What are prohibited items?
Dismissal time for walkers
What is 3:15?
In order to encourage responsible ecological stewardship, NDV follows a ___ policy with food.
What is 'pack in, pack out?'
As an expressed condition of enrollment, parents and students must follow this
What is the Code of Christian Conduct?
The program that should be displayed on classroom projectors during dismissal
What is Fetch Kids?
These should be tucked in at all times on campus
What are shirts?
The timing for morning assembly. Doors open at _:__, teachers arrive on the yard at _:__, students line up at _:__, and assembly begins at _:__.
What is 7:50, 8:00, 8:05, and 8:10.
This should not be brought to school or shared with peers outside the classroom
What is candy/gum?
Students may not be in the hallways during class periods unless they have these
What are hall passes?
What may never be used to sign up for services, other accounts, or to contact parents/friends?
What are NDV school email addresses/accounts?
Three uniform slips in one trimester result in this
What are uniform detentions?
These must be approved by the principal/ap/ad AND have an expiration date
What are free dress passes?
No lunch boxes may be left along ____ as they create a risk of tripping on the yard for other students.
What is along the fence?
Students in grades 3-8 may be placed on this if serious concern develops in the area or academics or discipline
What is qualifying status?
If a student chooses to associate a personal photo with their NDV email account it may be one of the following
What are initials/name of the student on a plane background or photo of the student that is appropriate for school business?
What is white?
If student is absent more than ___ from school, he or she may not participate in any NDV event later that day.
What is a half of a day?
These type of beverage/food containers are not permitted anywhere on the school grounds
What are glass containers?
Detention replacement
What is a R.E.A.L.flection?
Students may not post on ___ ___ in NDV branded attire unless the photographs have been taken at an NDV event AND they comply with the mission of NDV.
What is Social Media?
This is the name of the code of dress for school events.
What is the Modesty Dress Code?
Volunteers must be compliant in these two databases
Virtus and Livescan
In the gym, students may not walk on these
What are bleachers?
This is the reason why middle school students can earn behavioral points back
What is 'Everyone can Grow and Thrive?'
Students and teachers may only use an NDV issued ____ IDs when using NDV technology
What are Apple IDs?