Some people deserve to be bullied- true or false?
FALSE- no one deserves to be bullied. Everyone deserves to feel safe.
Name one expected behavior when learning in class
Raising your hand, listening to teacher, respecting others while they are talking, completing your work....
When (or where) would screaming be an expected behavior?
What's another word for sad?
Practice taking three deep breaths
Tripping someone and ripping up their stuff is what type of bullying?
Physical bullying
Name an expected behavior when playing tag at recess
When (or where) would sleeping be an unexpected behavior?
Name a feeling that begins with the letter H
Practice asking a staff for help with your work
Trying to make someone feel bad about themselves is what type of bullying?
Name an expected behavior if someone asks you to stop making noise
How do other's feel about someone who is doing something unexpected?
How would you feel if a friend said something mean to you?
Practice asking for a break (out of the classroom)
What are two things you could do if you witness bullying?
Tell an adult; ask the kids to stop; tell the person being bullied that they don't deserve that
Name an expected behavior at lunch
What's the opposite of feeling bored?
Practice counting to ten
What is the difference between telling an adult about bullying and tattling?
Telling is done to protect yourself or someone else from getting hurt. Tattling is done to get someone in trouble
Name an expected behavior when someone says something that hurts your feelings
Name an unexpected behavior during group
Act out a feeling for the room to guess
Tell us your favorite coping skill to use when you are feeling overwhelmed