What is the first thing you do before going to the bathroom?
ask to use the bathroom with the bathroom sign
true or false, When you forget your materials in your backpack, you should leave your seat to grab them?
False, we have materials in class
How do you get dismissed for recess?
you get dismissed by table, once your table is clean and ready to go
Where do we do dismissal
We do dismissal in front of the green door
What is your teachers favorite color?
6A- Blue
If you have a bathroom emergency, are you able to just leave?
No, you must still ask and use a bathroom pass.
Where should you put your personal materials?
Your personal materials belong in your cubbies
Where do you line up after recess?
at the green door
what should you do before you leave?
High five your teacher and let her know where you are going
What is California's state Capital?
True or false, As long as you have a pass you are allowed to be in the hallway?
You must be using our passes appropriately. A pass doesn't mean you can walk around the halls or use it to visit different teacher or friends.
When you borrow classroom materials, should you return them on your teachers desk?
What materials should you take to recess?
You should only be taking your lunch and placing it on the benches
Where are you allowed to hangout during dismissal?
You must stay in-between the two picnic tables in front of the green doors. You should not be roaming the hallways or hanging out with other classes.
What is the principals full name?
Karina Barger
If you left class with a bathroom pass and then decide you need a band aid from the office, what should you do?
you should return back to class, your bathroom pass is for the bathroom. Your teacher must know where you are at al times, for safety reasons.
What should you do if one of your classmates forgets to return their materials at the end of the day?
place the materials in the correct spot
What should you do before lunch is over and you line up?
You should pick up after yourself and clean up the area around you.
True or False, As long as you are in the 6th grade hallway during dismissal you are okay?
No, you must be with the rest of our classroom
What is Mr. B's Full name?
Darren Tim Bartholomew
True or False, If you leave class without permission and a pass, you can just come back and get one?
How will you know what you need for class?
instructions and materials needed will be on the whiteboard at the beginning of the day.
Where should you Line up after lunch?
6A- by the fence
6B- by the wall
True or False, If you have to use the bathroom during dismissal, it is okay to go to the 7th/ or 6th grade bathrooms as long as you hurry back quickly?
False, You must let your teacher know
Mozzarela sticks