
What reading strategy uses the keywords who, what, where, when, why, and how?

a. visualization

b. context clues

c. questioning

d. evaluation 

C. Questioning


In the story, "The Pumpkin Runner," where did Joshua get his energy?

a. From Yellow Dog

b. From his Aunt Millie

c. From pumpkins

d. From his teammates 

C. From pumpkins


What reading strategy consists of background knowledge plus text clues? 

a. Monitor and Clarify

b. Questioning

c. Evaluate

d. Inference

d. Inference


The 5Ws can be used with which reading strategy? 

a. Context Clues

b. Predicting or Inferring

c. Questioning

d. Summarizing

C. Questioning


Questions you have to think about or search for the answer to is a type of what kind of the reading strategy questioning? 

a. Phonics

b. Inference

c. Context Clues

d. Thick Questions

D. Thick Questions


When you retell only the most important part of the story what reading strategy are you using?

a. Visualization

b. Summarization

c. Prediction

d. Context Clues

b. Summarization


When you ask yourself if what you are reading makes sense or if you are learning what you want to learn, what reading strategy are you using? 

a. Visualization

b. Phonics and decoding

c. Monitoring

d. Questioning

c. Monitoring


What was the grand prize for the 12th Annual Koala Race?



What reading strategy would you be using if you don’t understand something, reread, read ahead, or use the illustrations?

a. Phonics and Decoding

b. Questioning

c. Summarization

d. Clarification 

d. Clarification


What reading strategy would you use to decide if what you read is entertaining, informative, or useful to you? 

a. Predict or Infer

b. Decoding

c. Visualizing

d. Evaluation

D. Evaluation


What the text is mostly about is known as what reading strategy. 

a. Supporting Details

b. Evaluation

c. Context Clues

d. Main Idea

D. Main Idea


Text to Self, Text to Text and Text to World are examples of what reading strategy?

a. Context Clues

b. Visualization

c. Main Idea

d. Making Connections 

D. Making Connections


At what point in the story can you make a prediction? 

a. Before Reading

b. all of these times

c. During Reading

d. After Reading

B. All of these times


When you think about the title, the illustrations, and what you have read so far, what reading strategy are you using? 

a. Phonics and Decoding

b. Predict and Infer

c. Summarizing

d. Questioning

B. Predict and Infer


If you look for word parts you know and think about the sounds for the letters what reading strategy are you using? 

a. Decoding

b. Inference

c. Evaluation

d. Context Clues

a. Decoding


When you create a picture in your head of what you are reading, what reading strategy are you using?

a. Evaluation

b. Context Clues

c. Visualization

d. Phonics 

c. Visualization


What is the reading strategy you would use if you tell what you think will happen next or what you will learn?

a. Main Idea

b. Context Clue

c. Prediction

d. Clarification

c. Prediction


Questions that can be answered with a "yes" or "no" response are what type of reading strategy is "questioning"?

a. Context Clues

b. Summarization

c. Thin Questions

d. Clarification 

C. Thin Questions


What reading strategy would you use to blend the sound to read the word? 

a. Clarification

b. Evaluation

c. Phonics

d. Prediction

c. Phonics


When you form an opinion about a text what reading strategy are you using? 

a. Summarization

b. Phonics

c. Evaluation

d. Decoding

C. Evaluation


The acronym B.M.E. or "Beginning, Middle, End" is used with which reading strategy? 

a. Summarization

b. Inference

c. Making Connections

d. Main Idea

a. Summarization


If you are using the acronym I.D.E.A.S., Inference, Definition, Example, Antonym, Synonym, what reading strategy are you using? 

a. Monitor

b. Clarify

c. Evaluate

d. Context Clues

d. Context Clues


The acronym S.W.B.S.T or "Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then,"  is used with which reading strategy? 

a. Phonics

b. Context Clues

c. Evaluation

d. Summarization

D. Summarization


When one of the balloons dropped down for repairs, Damien made a deal with the balloonists. What was it?

Half the prize money for a shortcut over Wollongong.


In the story "The Pumpkin Runner," what did Joshua do with his winnings?

Joshua split the winnings with his fellow runners, even Damien Dodgerelle.
