What is our classroom number?
What is our Principal's name?
Mrs. Glassford
What is our 1st classroom rule?
Follow directions quickly.
What is Mrs. Wells' son's name?
What is the largest big cat?
What is your teacher's name?
Mrs. Wells
What is our school mascot?
What is our 2nd classroom rule.
Raise your hand.
What are the other 5th grade teacher's names?
Ms. Trelease and Ms. Gleason
Which is the largest planet in our solar system?
How many students are in our class?
What street is our school on?
What is our 3rd classroom rule?
Make smart choices.
What is the name of the Camp we'll go to this year?
Camp Cuyamaca
What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
Where can you find all of your daily work?
Google Classroom
What is our new Vice Principal's name?
Mrs. Casillas
What is our 4th classroom rule?
Keep your eyes on the target.
What do we do in WHEEL?
Rotate to other classrooms to work on life-skills.
What is our classroom mantra?
I am a valuable member of my classroom community.
Louise Foussat- Luiseno Indian
What is our FINAL classroom rule?
Keep our classroom HAPPY!
Where did Mrs. Wells go to college?
Cal State San Marcos
How many teeth does an adult human have?