What does it mean to have "nice hands" in our classroom?
Nice hands are keeping hands to yourself and using materials appropriately
What do you do if you need to go to the bathroom?
Cross your fingers, wait for approval, and get the bathroom pass.
How do we act when the announcements come on?
Our voices are off, we are not playing with materials, and we are listening to the person speaking.
Name 2 ways you can be responsible at recess.
Use the equipment appropriately, return the sports balls and jump ropes to Miss Bever's bin.
How can we be a class family?
We can be kind to one another, show respect, and look out for each other.
What are NOT examples of nice words?
Nice words are NOT teasing, swearing, bullying, or harassing.
What do you do if you need a drink of water?
Hold up two fingers and wait for approval.
What do we do when we have a question or comment to make in class?
We raise our hand.
Name 2 ways you can be responsible in the lunch room.
You can pick up your trash and follow the directions you are given.
How can we have a growth mindset in our class?
We will keep trying even when things are hard!
What does our "finishing work" classroom rule look like?
Finishing assigned work is starting, working, and finishing an activity or assignment.
When is an appropriate time to ask to go to the bathroom?
When Miss Bever is not teaching.
How do we show respect to Miss Bever when she is teaching?
We raise our hand for permission to speak or leave our seat, our voices are off, we aren't playing with materials, and we are listening.
Name two ways you can be responsible in the hallway.
You can walk quietly and keep your hands to yourself.
what happens when Miss Bever takes three tickets away from you in one day?
You fill out a think sheet.
What does it mean to follow directions?
Following directions includes listening AND doing what teachers ask you to do.
What are the first three things we do when we enter the classroom?
Hang up your backpack, make your lunch choice, and get started on the morning work.
How can we show respect to our lunch workers and custodians?
How can we be responsible in Miss Bever's classroom
We can finish our work on time and stay on task.
What do you have to do in order to leave your seat?
Raise your hand.
What happens if you break a classroom rule?
Lose a ticket
1st ticket- warning
2nd ticket- teacher choice
3rd ticket- think sheet
4th ticket- contact home
How do we walk in the hallway?
Voices are off, we walk in a straight line, arms are folded, and we are going directly where we are told.
How can we show respect to the items and materials in Miss Bever's classroom?
We use them as tools not toys, we are gentle, and try our best to put things back where they belong.
Name two ways we can be responsible at specials (PE, Art, Library, or Computers)
We can follow directions and be a good helper for our specialty teachers.
You can earn tickets to use at our class _____ every Friday.