How does Cleevis get stuck in a tree?
He chased a squirrel up the tree.
What does Dex want to be?
What was Norman's first sign?
No school today
What did Norman want to be when he grew up?
He wanted to be a signmaker.
People always ______ at the pretty painting.
gaze sniff add
How does Dex look at the start of the story?
He looks like a plump sausage on 4 little meatballs.
What does Cleevis ask Dex?
He asks if he can be Dex's partner.
What do the townspeople do when they realize they've been tricked?
They take down every sign in town.
What happened when the signs were all down?
Everyone was lost and confused.
Lee fell and now his leg is ________.
past useful sore
Why does Dex get a superhero suit?
So animals know he's there to help.
What does Dex notice in the mirror?
He notices muscles.
Why did the signmaker leave for a day?
He had to paint a sign in the next town.
What did the townspeople do when the signmaker returned?
They chased him into the woods.
The teacher asked her _______ to help clean up.
assistant wisdom ordinary
How does Dex start training?
He reads comics and watches superhero movies.
What did the young pup call Dex?
Super Dog
What did Norman do for the signmaker?
He cut wood, mixed colors, and painted simple signs.
How did Norman fix his mistake?
He remade all of the signs and wrote an apology on a banner.
The children _______ me on the playground
sensible chase realize
Why did Dex want the animals to jump on the teeter-totter?
To catapult him into the air.
How did Dex get Cleevis down from the tree?
He made a parachute with his cape.
What kind of signs did the signmaker make?
Words of wisdom, words of warning, or words that simply said which door to use.
For obeying signs without thinking.
The cat ______on the mouse.
sprang depends overlooked