Enlightenment Philosophers
Law Ideas
Government Ideas
Forms of Government
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This Philosopher, often quoted in class, is the one who brings you the idea of Natural Rights. Meaning, he loves Life, Liberty and Property.

Who is John Locke?


This Rule is the idea that no one person is above the law. Therefore, even if I wanted to murder Mr. Gainey, I wouldn't be allowed to :(

What is Rule of Law?

In this kind of sovereignty, the state has supreme and absolute authority within its boundaries

What is Political Sovereignty?

In this form of government, the people directly vote on issues at-hand; with no middle-man between them and the law.

What is a direct democracy?


Though I go by Mr. R., I do have an actual last name. Can you spell it?

What is Romanczuk?


This Philosopher, as Mr. R. likes to put it, doesn't like people! He believes that the best rulers are Monarchies and people do best when under the order of a King. 

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


John Locke talked about these certain rights people are born with and therefore, no government may take away or impede upon.

What are Natural Rights?


Hol' up wait a minute, y'all thought I was finished? This type of sovereignty has people with all the power. 

What is Popular Sovereignty?


In this form of government, there is one ruler who is a king or queen making all the decisions. 

What is a monarchy?

What document was the initial basis for most forms of government?

What is the Magna Carta?


Your favorite rappers, favorite rappers favorite philosopher. This man is known for his writings on maintaining political power and how it is better to be feared than loved. 

He also wrote a little known book called The Prince

Who is Machiavelli?


Citizens are born with certain rights, however, people agree to give up certain rights to empower the government for the good of society. I wonder what kind of contract this may be?

What is Social Contract? 


Within this style of government, all of the power belongs to the national government, meaning the states do not have many rights to do anything. 

What is Unitary Government?


In this form of government, there is only one leader and whatever they say goes. You must do what they say or else, you're dead.

What is a dictatorship?


This Philosopher was ahead of the times with their thoughts on women's rights. Oh, and did I mention they were the only woman we discussed during this time frame?

Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?


Speaking of Natural Rights again. John Locke felt there were three of them. I wonder what those could be?

What is Life, Liberty and Property?


Within this style of government, both the national and state level get says of law. Both get to make laws and enforce them. 

What is Federalism?


This is the idea of having absolutely no government; meaning each person has to fend for themselves. 

What is anarchy? 


This Philosopher* believed that search & seizures without a warrant was not only immoral, but violated many individual rights.

*He also is Mr. R's favorite and I will break down the door over him again. 

Who is William Blackstone?


This idea, though it sounds common, was rare for its time. This type of law states is based on tradition or past court decisions, rather than written laws.

What is Common Law?


Within this style of government, the national government has close to zero power, leaving everything up to the states. 

Think of the South during the Civil War.

What is a Confederacy?


In this form of government, the people do not directly vote on laws, but rather vote for representatives to make decisions for them.

What is Representative Democracy?
