Solar System

What is the order of the solar system?

What is the solar system?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - asteroid belt - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Definition: the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. 


What is the galaxy?

gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter


What is an Astronaut?

someone who has undergone specific training to fly into space


What is the definition of a rocket?

spacecraft, aircraft, vehicle, or projectile that obtains thrust from a rocket engine


Name the mnemonic device learned for the order of the Solar System

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos


Activity: All About a Planet

Tell me name of your planet and 3 things that describe it.

Answers varies


What are the 3 types of Galaxies? Describe the difference between each one

Spiral: typically has a rotating disc with spiral 'arms' that curve out from a dense central region = ARMS

Elliptical: a type of galaxy with an approximately ellipsoidal shape and a smooth, nearly featureless image. = ROUND

Irregular: a galaxy that does not have a distinct regular shape. = NO SHAPE


What are some of the requirements for an astronaut to travel into space?

Studied science in college

Young adult or adult

Learn more about beyond our planet

Spend weeks, months, and/or a year

Go through a special physical check-up to stay healthy where there is no gravity


Name the 4 types of rockets

Solid - Fuel Rocket

Liquid - Fuel Rocket

Ion Rocket

Plasma Rocket


Activity: Straw and Balloon Rocket

Tell me the following...

What did you find interesting for one and/or both activities?

What do you think you can do differently so that your straw rocket goes farther?

Responses vary


Identify the planet and 2 characteristics.

 Identify the planet and 2 characteristics.

Jupiter - biggest planet and has an eye storm

Mercury - closest to the Sun and its color is gray


How many years does it take the Sun to orbit the center of the galaxy?

Hundred million years


Why is it important the job of an astronaut?

eyes and ears for us on Earth to share information about the happenings in outer space

maintenance and health of the orbiting platform.

Crew members are constantly checking support systems and cleaning filters, updating computer equipment


What are the 4 major parts of a rocket? Describe each one.

Structural System: Frame that holds it together

Payload System: depends on mission

Guidance System: computers, radars, and communication to maneuver rocket in flight

Propulsion System: Take most amount of space


What is the name of our galaxy? Within which galaxy do we belong to?

The Milkyway Galaxy and in the Spiral Galaxy


Name the Inner Planets and describe their commonality

Name the Outer Planets and describe their commonality

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars: mostly made of rocks

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune: large balls of gas with rings around them


What is it called when the Sun orbits the center of the galaxy?

The Galactic year


Name and describe the 4 main equipment's used by an astronaut.

Space suits: protect them from danger in space

Gloves: protect astronauts from the space environment and are made so spacewalkers can move their fingers as easily as possible

Helmet: provide ventilation system which gives oxygen, protect from sun rays

Communication: talk with other astronauts


What is thrust?

forward or upward force produced by the engines of a plane or rocket


What is one thing you found interesting as we learned and explored about space? Explain.

Responses vary


Define the Asteroid belt.

Why is it important in the solar system?

a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, located between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars

source of most of the asteroids that pass near the Earth, and therefore pose a potential danger to life on the planet, and particularly to human structures.


a person who studies about the universe is called

An astronomer


What are some discoveries made by the astronauts?

Bonus (+5points): what does NASA stand for?

Responses vary

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?

for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction


Who was the 1st astronaut to set foot on the moon?

Neil Armstrong
