Impulse Control
Emotion Regulation
Family Understanding
Self Control

An aide arrives 15 minutes earlier OR later than you were expecting 

Stop and Think What should you do? 

Breath, it is important to be flexible, understand that things happen and move on with the day 


A meeting is taking place that you were not aware of

An opportunity to practice flexibility

Share using "I" statements 

"I need time to prepare" "I need more warning/notice"


Mom needs to spend some time with your siblings 

Allow her that time

It is important for her to be present for all of the children 


You feel like running away 

Running away is never a good idea, it can pose a safety risk. 

Talk about how you are feeling and stay in a safe place


Your community support worker asks if you would like to create a schedule for the week 

Awesome, think of all the activities you may like to do, put them on the calendar and prepare yourself 


You are working and something does not go the way you thought it would 

Be flexible, take a breath, try to understand the situation, take a break in a safe place 


You are feeling lonely and down today 

Remind yourself of all of your good qualities

All of the things that make you a good person

Think of your schedule and your activities 


What does it mean to be a part of your family 

To feel included

To be bonded and loved with people who will always be there for you


You get the urge to ring the doorbell over and over again 

This is not going to help you and will irritate anyone inside the house. Talk about how you are feeling and use a calming strategy 


A friend invite you for an outing, you say yes but once the day comes you feel like staying home 

Prepare yourself

Boost your confidence

Speak positively "I am going to have so much fun if I go, if I stay home I will regret it"


You have access to a phone and feel like sending texts or messages 

A healthy friendship or conversation is back and forth. One person talks, the other person listens and then it switches

Same thing with messages one message is enough, wait for a response


An unusual thought comes into your mind, you are suddenly upset about something - something that was never going to happen 

Remind yourself of realities

Try to switch it to a positive statement 


A sibling is feeling overwhelmed 

Give space so they can work through it 


You are allowed to use Instagram 

What will you do to control yourself 

Instagram is meant for keeping in touch with friends, very light and easy going. 

No need to send more than 1 message 

Natural conversations with friends


You thought you were in a fun conversation but then the person blocks you 

Reflect on it, if someone is blocking you that means they are not happy with how the conversation went 

Ask someone to help if you are unsure 


What is a boundary 

Something that protects people 


Understanding and allows people to feel safe


What is a calming strategy 

Calming strategies can be anything that provides you peace. 

Counting, breathing, thought replacement, mindfulness, etc. 


What is something you do for the house 

Examples could be chores, dishes, garbage, etc. 


Hygiene what is it and when should it be done

Brush teeth 3x per day

Shower daily

Deodarant daily

Fresh clean clothes for day time and pjs for bedtime


You are feeling safe and feeling like part of a group 

Wonderful what a great feeling

Think about what is making that happen 


You have a negative urge 

Talk with someone

Do a calming activity 

Stay safe


What is a deep breath 

Breath in and out purposefully 


How can you help Mom and Dad 

List somethings that will be helpful for your family 


You are really enjoying an amusement park ride, but after the second time you notice you are feeling strange (dizzy, sick) but you really want to ride the ride again

Take a break

Dont do something until you are sick

The ride will still be there next time or after a break 


You are on an overnight trip, how do you prepare 

Think about what is going to happen

Do you have all the details 

Remind yourself of when you will leave your home and when you will return

This is the plan
