Yes, you can have the document.
Can I have the document ?
Yes, I can repeat.
Can you repeat, please ?
copybook - at home
I have forgotten my copybook at home.
Yes, you can put your paper in the bin.
Can I put my paper in the bin ?
don't understand
Sorry, I don't understand.
Yes, you can go to the board.
Can I go to the board ?
The English for 'école' is 'school'.
What is the English for 'école' ?
copybook - locker
I have left my copybook in my locker.
Nobody's missing / absent today.
Who is missing / absent today ?
I can't hear a thing. Can you speak up ?
Yes, here is a pen.
Can anybody lend me a pen ?
How do you say school in English ?
late - miss the bus
Sorry, I'm late because I missed the bus.
Yes, you can sit down.
Can we sit down ?
headache - nurse
I have a headache. Can I go to the nurse ?
Yes, here is a glue stick.
Can anybody lend me a glue stick ?
Yes, I can play the document again.
Can you play the document again ?
late - oversleep
Sorry, I'm late because I overslept.
Yes, I/you can switch on/off the lights.
Can you/I switch on the lights ?
homework - not done
I haven't done my homework.
Yes, you can pass out/hand out the copies.
Can I pass out/hand out the copies ?
Yes, I can help you.
Can you help me ?
absent - appointment at the doctor's
Sorry, I was absent because I had an appointment at the doctor's.
Yes, I can pull down the blinds.
Can you pull down the blinds ?
stomach ache - nurse
I have a stomach ache. Can I go to the nurse ?