
Davis is supposed to take out the trash on Tuesdays and Fridays. He often forgets but dislikes when his parent reminds him. What step/s can Davis take to change this situation

Set a reminder timer, re-frame how he thinks about his parent reminding him, reward himself when he remembers, set a goal to remember at least one trash day a week


Princess wants to graduate but she doesn't feel like going to school most days so her grades are very low. What can Princess do to change this situation? 

Set a goal to attend a certain number of days a week, see how many days she can attend in a row and try to beat/meet the goal the next week, reward herself for attending school, challenge her negative thoughts related to not wanting to go to school, work with SW to address challenges to attending school


Mickey has medication which causes him to show up late work everyday. He does not know how to communicate this to he supervisor. What can Mickey do to change this situation. 

Practice what he would say to his supervisor, talk to his doctor to change the time of his medication


Ricky has been bullying a new student even after staff have talked to him about it. He knows the next incident will end in a suspension. What can Ricky do to change this situation? 

Engage in mediation, can leave the peer alone, work with his SW to figure out why he might be targeting the peer


Shelly thinks she is doing well with her chores. After all, when its her week for dishes she does HER dishes. When its her turn to take out trash she takes out HER trash. She believes that doing her chores is cleaning up after herself, her caregiver disagrees. What can Shelly change in the situation?

She can re-frame her thinking, she can complete the full chore not just her part, she can use self talk to remind herself that others do her trash, dishes ect.. on their weeks. 


Jamie needs his History class to be promoted to the next grade, but it so boring and he falls asleep often. What steps can Jamie take to change this situation?

Do the work then put his head down, take a walk break to wake up, bring cold water to drink in class, ask the teacher to let him know when he is getting sleepy so he can stand up to wake up


Stacey is triggered by a co-worker's negative comments. She becomes frustrated and engages in verbal altercation with a co-worker which physical fight. What changes can Stacey make in this siltation?

Ignore, talk to supervisor, use effective coping skills, use calm down skills


Betty has an issue with another peer's attitude. She feels like the peer keeps saying smart comments under her breath. What can Betty do to change the situation?

Ignore the peer, ask for help, use a coping strategy to calm down, mediate with the help of staff


Mike often rushes through his chores, isn't focused, gets distracted, and misses tasks needed to complete the chores correctly. What can Mike do to change the situation?

Slow Down, remove distractions, make a checklist, look over the task when he is done


Kirra gets distracted by her peers in class. She is either talking to a classmate, arguing with a peer, or observing drama between peers, because of this she get very little done in class. What can Kirra do to change this situation?

ignore distractions, complete her work and then talk ect..., ask to work in an area where she would be less distracted


Jessie is caught texting while on the job. He has multiple write ups for this. How can Jessie change this situation?

Put his phone up before work, set a timer to use the phone on breaks only, don't bring the phone into work, practice self discipline 


Larry had a physical altercation with a peer but he is having a hard time letting it go. He continues to agitate the peer. What can Larry do change the situation?

Agree to mediate, ignore the peer, use coping thoughts 


Julie keeps putting of cleaning her room, it keeps getting worse and now is overwhelming. What can Juile do to change the situation?

Start on a small task, work for a period of time and take a short break, ask for help


Peter gets easily frustrated with his work so he prefers to leave the classroom and walk the halls. What can Peter do to change this situation?

Ask for help, ask for a break when frustrated, work with SW to identify ways to address his frustration. 


Katie is struggling to learn a new task at work and is becoming frustrated and says she isn't doing the task. What can Katie do to change the situation. 

Ask for help from supervisor, Ask a peer for help, research the task, just try it


Nicholas struggles to make friends, he tends to try but ends up either butting into conversations or isolating himself. What can Nicholas do to change the situation?

Work with SW to practice conversation skills


Randall notices that his siblings are not doing their chores and now he is thinking he shouldn't do his either. What can Randall do to change the situation?

Re-frame his thinking to be more helpful, focus on himself and not worry about his siblings, talk to his parent about the situation


Lisa hates taking tests, they are long and boring. She normally either leave class or doesn't come to school on test days so there are many missed tests and she is failing. What can Lisa do to change this situation?

Work with her SW to address the challenges to taking test, use positive self talk to encourage herself, talk to her teacher about what accommodations she can use to make testing easier for her


Kevin has to work with a group to complete a work task and he is not getting along with his group members. What can Kevin do to change the situation?

Sit quietly, ask for a meeting/mediation, just focus on his task only


Jimmy keeps getting picked on by a peer, he feels like he is ready to explode. What can he do to change the situation?

Work with SW to use coping skills, ask staff for help, 
