Phoenix (registers and standby)
Testing procedures
Monitoring progress (TP, tutorials, reports)

How many KIDS levels are there?

7 levels ( KIDS Starter, 1,2,3,4,5,6)


When do we book standby slots for the following week?

Every Thursday


How frequent are the quicktests/unit tests/file tests?

The frequency depends on the book(indicated in the scheme of work) usually after each file/unit.


When do we mark Level check?

Two weeks after the course/ 2 weeks after the student joined the course.


Where can all our school resources be found?

(For offline and online teaching)

In “Exchange” folder


On Yandex disc – InterPress Teachers’ Resources


InterPress offers 2 types of courses: Smart and Pro. How do they differ?

Smart: MWF-60 min or TTh 90 min. 

Pro: MWF-90 min  or TTH 135 min.


How many standby hours per week do full-time / part-time teachers do? 

Full-timers do 120 mins / 2 hours / 8* 15 min. slots
Part-timers do 60 mins / 1 hour / 4 * 15 min. slots 


What do we do if  a student scores less than 60% in 2 tests in a row?

All results below 60% must be clearly highlighted and ADoS/ST informed if a student fails two consecutive progress tests or more.


How many times do we conduct Tutorials/TP meetings during the course?

3 times: approximately one month after the course starts, after the MT test; during the final/feedback lesson.


What is the name of the folder with existing/updated programs/courses?

InterPress Courses – InterPress Courses documents (August 2021)_20.01.2022


What kind of INTENSIVE courses does our school offer?

General English(from Teens and older):  5 lessons a week. MWF-90 min, TTH 135 min. The length of the course is 2.5 months(120 ac/hours) for Levels 1-3

and 3,5 months (168 ac/hours) for Levels 4-5

Exams: Intensive (6 weeks)


Now you are ready for your standby, and are waiting for a student.
What is important to do before you hit GO TO ZOOM button on Phoenix?

Log into your InterPress Zoom account. Otherwise, you won't be able to access your the conference. 


What do we do if students miss their MT test?

A group teacher schedules the test to another day, and a group teacher surpervises the rescheduled test. 


When and why do we complete Early Warning?

After the Mid-term test for those students whose progress is poor.


What is the “route” to EOC evaluation forms?

InterPress Teachers’ Resources – Tests – EOC evaluation forms (v. December 2020)


What age groups and levels can choose ONLINE classes?

ALL age groups and levels!


You are on Phoenix and see the main page of a group now.
There are several fields to be filled in during the course.
What are they?

All test results ( including level checks / early warnings), progress reports, lesson content & homework. Also,keep in mind marking attendance ( the blue button at the top of the page). 


What is the standard procedure for dealing with students who fail their MT test ?

Student  needs to resit it within two weeks. The student will be offered ‘free’ help club classes for extra revision and then have their second attempt.


What happens if a student fails the MT test for the second time?

In this case the student cannot continue the course, and they need to repeat the course. 


What is the name of the folder to turn to before your formal lesson observation?

PDI paperwork


What kind of Cambridge exams (with  what age groups and  levels) are included into our curriculum?

Kids 2, Juniors 1-   Starters

Kids 4 , Juniors 2 -Movers

Kids 6 , Juniors 3,4 - Flyers

Juniors 5, Teens 2,YA 2,Adults 2  -KET

Teens 3, 4,  YA 3, Adults 3- PET 

YA 4,Adults 4-FCE 

YA 5, Adults 5 -CAE


You are on standby and get to test a student who would like to prepare for IELTS.

How do you decide which of the IELTS prep levels is right for them? 

a) test their GE level, do not forget to ask some IELTS format questions, e.g. tell me about pros and cons of smth.
b) IELTS Foundation: Adults/ YAs level 2 after MT +
   IELTS Masterclass: Adults/ YAs level 3 after MT +


What is the standard procedure for dealing with a student who is caught cheating/plagiarizing?

Cheating on tests is not tolerated. If a student is found cheating, he/she will have to re-sit the test, which will be supervised by an EMT member (preferably offline).


Describe the procedure for conducting a T-P meeting.

Before the meeting: 

-Ask the student coordinator of your group to invite the parents for the chosen date and time. 

-Prepare for the meeting and make notes so you know exactly what you want to say. If there are problems with a particular student, think about what possible solutions there might be.

-Prepare examples of the students’ work (e.g. writings, tasks, projects) if appropriate as it helps to take along the group test results.

After the meeting: Record the names of attendees in the online register comments box, i.e. where you would normally write what was covered during the lesson. 


What is the “route” to EOC tests?

Ask your ADOS or Senior Teacher


Text/Email or Call your ADOS or ST

(from 9.00 to 19.00)
