The scientific name for taro (kalo).
What is colocasia esculenta?
The scientific name for naupaka.
What is scaevola taccada?
The scientific name for uhaloa.
What is waltheria indica?
The scientific name for noon flower (akulikuli)?
What is disphyma crassifolium?
The name for this kind of shovel.
What is a square point shovel?
The common name for solanum melongena.
What is eggplant (lahopipi)?
The common name for pandanus tectorius.
What is pandanus (hala)?
The scientific name for glossy nightshade (popolo).
What is solanum americanum?
The scientific name for aalii?
What is dodonaea viscosa?
The name for this kind of shovel.
What is a round point shovel?
The Hawaiian name for capsicum annuum.
What is nioi (pepper)?
The scientific name for seapurslane (akulikuli).
What is sesuvium portulacastrum?
The common name for megathyrsus maximus.
What is guinea grass?
The name for this kind of rake.
What is a bow rake?
The name for this kind of shear.
What is an anvil pruner shear?
The common names for cucurbita pepo?
What is zucchini (ipu pu) and pumpkin (palaai)?
The scientific name for ti/ki.
What is cordyline fruticosa?
The common name for schinus teribinthifolius (wilelaiki).
What is christmas berry?
The English name for this tool (oo).
What is a steel digging bar?
The name for this kind of shear.
What is a bypass pruner shear?
The name for this kind of knife.
What is a paring knife?
The name of this power tool.
What is a rototiller?
The common name for scirpus validus.
What is bulrush (nanaku)?
The name for this kind of knife.
What is a steak knife?
The name for this kind of knife.
What is a utility knife?