This is who or whom you can bring prescriptions to or talk to about medical concerns (multiple correct answers - you just need at least 1)
Jenn; Alan; your counselor
This is the policy about chores and what can happen if the policy is not followed
DO THEM everyday; you can lose passes, visitation, go on a contract, have to stay back from work, and in extreme or repetitive cases be discharged
If you have signed a form digitally, this is where you can find it
In Alleva
This is the maximum number of hours and days you can work once you are eligible for employment and one clause to that
40 hours, 5 days. You must arrange your work schedule around making one of the 3 OP groups Monday - Thursday AND schedule time away from work to meet with your counselor and mental health (if applicable) every week. We recommend taking 1 day off during the week to make your appointments and always leave after 11:30 am or be back before 4:15 pm so you can reliably make morning or evening group
These are services you can either use Ranch staff or outside providers for
Mental health, primary medical health, case management
This is the Residential Manager and he Residential Manager Assistant
Alan and Marcellus
This is the length of stay at The Ranch residential program
3-6 months but if you complete the residential program successfully, you can have the option to remain outpatient and still see your counselor and/or mental health, even by Zoom if you want!
This is where you can find the visitor forms, and pass requests, what day they need to be turned in and to whom they need to be turned in
They can be found in folders in the lobby of the Kimmel building (in front of the “bubble”); they get turned in by Wednesday night (or they will not be approved) and they can be turned in to the Residential Manager (Alan), assistant manager (Marcellus) or your primary SUD counselor
These are some ways you can earn life skills if you a running low
Animal care (if trained or in training), employment, completing assignments and surveys in Alleva, volunteering for extra “jobs” with residential team members, talking to your SUD counselor to find something you can do
This is who you can see if you need clothing, toiletries, etc
Residential team or your counselor
This is the Clinical Supervisor (who also is a counselor) and the 3 substance use counselors he supervises
Shannon, Brandie, and Jenn
This is the smoking/vaping policy and the 4 locations
You can smoke or vape on property in the 4 designated areas; gazebo area at the top of the hill, shed by the garden, picnic tables in front of Casey building and the pavilion; smoking/vaping is a privilege and not many facilities actually allow it so if it becomes a problem, butts, vape coils are not properly disposed of, etc, administration has the right and ability to make us a nicotine free campus either temporarily or permanently
This is where you should turn in your recovery activity and life skills slips every Wednesday
To your primary SUD counselor - Jacques, Shannon, Jenn, Brandie
This is where visitors must go to check in and the 2 main places they are not allowed to go on the property
The gym or the admin building for checkin, down the hill to the residence halls and inside the animal enclosures
These are the curfew hours
Must be on campus, in your residence hall by 10:30 pm Monday - Thursday and 11 pm Friday - Sunday. You must be in your room with electronics off by 11 pm. You cannot leave campus until 5 am. Going outside for smoke breaks between 11 pm and 5 am must be okayed by the residential staff on duty…please don’t just walk out
This is our Program Administrator, responsible for handling all Ranch operations, staff and grievances
This is how long you have to be a Ranch resident, without any behavior problems and meeting all program expectations, before you can begin taking to your counselor about employment
At least 30 days…on day 31 you can begin the conversation about being eligible to work with your counselor. Employment is a privilege, not a right, while at The Ranch. If you have been missing program requirements, or have had any issues during your first 30 days, you may have to wait longer to see employment. Also, once employed, if any problems arise during your stay, staff CAN restrict or terminate your privilege of employment
This is the new communication website that every client should be using and checking at least twice a day
These are the 4 main property lines
Tree line in front of gym, entrance road, the highway, dry creek bed
This is the person who can help you with things like TDAP, TCA, DDI, SSDI, food stamps
Your SUD COUNSELOR…please do not come to Jenn unless she is your counselor OR your counselor has encountered a problem and referred you to Jenn - which they will have to email Jenn and arrange for a meeting with you, your counselor and Jenn to troubleshoot
This is our facility’s CEO
Explain the 5-5-4-1 and what can happen if you do not make your requirements
At least 5 recovery activities, at least 5 life skills, 4 OP groups, 1 individual session with your primary SUD counselor
Have to come to orientation group on Friday’s, an assignment from your treatment team,Loss of passes, contracts, loss or restriction of employment, discharge from The Ranch
This is where you can find the grievance form and who you give it to
Administration building lobby or in the lobby of the Kimmel building
Give to Anthony or a trusted staff member
These are the 5 off limit buildings or structures
3 red maintenance buildings, cell phone tower, building/house at main entrance
This is the best Intake and Medical Coordinator and Orientation group leader you have ever met!
You had better say Jenn 😀