Other Post Secondary Options (OPS)
Interest Surveys
Job Searching
Community and technical colleges typically offer degrees and certificates where people can finish or transfer within how many years?

What is "two"?


Job Zone 1 means you need how much more education and training past high school?

What is "little to none"?


True or False:

The military can help you pay for college.

What is "True"?


The Myers-Briggs test is an example of what kind of personal assessment?

What is "a personality test"?


At least two examples of job searching websites....

What is: Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, GetWork, AngelList, SnagAJob, Ladders, etc.


Universities offer what kinds of degrees? (*Hint: Name it! You can get an Associates at a Community College....).

What is a "Bachelors", "Masters", or "Doctorate" degree?


Describe "Entry Level Careers".

What is "careers you can enter in to with not much further training or education; it is the basic step in a career field"?


A Transition College gives you access to college courses while still carrying on your....

(Hint: Think about what document help you here with accommodations and classes).

What is "Your IEP"?


True or False: There are incorrect responses to an interest survey.

False - there are no wrong answers

True - there are wrong answers if you blast through them and don't actually think about them because then the results are inaccurate


Describe the difference between full time and part time.

What is "Full time typically means 38 or 40 hours per week (depending on the job and employer) while part time is less than that"?

Name an assessment that you may have to take to gain admission to the college.

What is, "ACT", "SAT", or "ACCUPLACER"?


Describe what Job Zone 3 would entail.

What is "Job Zone 3 means you would need to have education and training after high school, sometimes some college is necessary like a certificate or two year degree program, and on the job training and experience is also needed"?


True or False: Online courses can lead to a degree or certificate from a legit institution.

What is "True"?


True or False - Interest surveys can change over time.

What is "True"? They definitely can change over time but they won't always. They can change with life experiences, new knowledge, exposure to new things and ideas, and life changes.

Remote work means....

What is "You can work from home or anywhere"?


What is the time length (month, years, decades) of schooling that is involved with a technical or community college degree?

What is "18 months to two years" typically?


True or False - You can change your career any time.

True - You can change your career.

False - It depends on your life experiences and what is going on. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to even if you want to. (But does that mean you can't or that you are choosing not to...?)


Name the test that you would need to take to enter a branch of the military.

What is the "ASVAB"?


If you obtained an I or an E as your first letter of the Myers-Briggs, what do those letters stand for?

What is "I is Introvert and E is Extrovert"?

Under "Job Qualifications", it can sometimes say "Preferred". What does this mean?

What is "that it will help you stand above other applicants because they would prefer candidates have these qualifications, but you can still apply if you do not"?


How many years of schooling beyond high school are typically needed for a doctorate degree?

What is "8" (but I will accept 6 or 7, 8 is most common though)?


This is the highest Job Zone category and an example job found within it.

What "Job Zone 5 and [fill in any career that needs the highest level of education in the field such as lawyer or doctor]"?


Name a platform or website where you can learn at your own pace a skill or gain knowledge.

What is "Coursera", "Udemy", "MasterClass" (I'll even accept Youtube)?

The O*Net survey ranked your career clusters based on six different codes. Name one of them (letter and what it stands for).

What is "R - Realistic", "E - Enterprising", "C - Conventional", "A - Artistic", "I - Investigative", and "S - Social"?


If a job posting asks you to submit a resume or CV, what are they asking for?

What is "That with your application, you attach your resume. A CV is called a Curriculum Vitae which is basically the same thing"?