Only Medication You can Administer to Client
What is Naloxone
Supervised Consumption Sites in Ottawa & Hours
What is 179 Clarence (9-5), Trailer (24/7), SWCHC (9-4), Sandy Hill (8-5)
Number to call for Shelter Bed
What is: 211, Sal Van, Direct Shelter Line
Crisis Line Resources
What is:
Distress Centre - 613-238-3311
Mobile Crisis - 613-241-7710
Residential School Crisis Line: 1-800-721-0066
Sexual Assault Line: 613-562-2333
Overdose Response Line: 1-888-688-NORS (6677)
Resources Catherine Hub offers
What is: Housing, OW/ODSP, other organization, meals, etc.
Resources for someone with an abcess/infection
What is:
CHC Nurse, Walk in Clinic, 911, Site Van
Referral process to Withdrawal Mgmt. & barriers to access
What is: Self-refer - (613) 241-1525x 1
Barriers - long wait time, hard to reach, stigma etc.
Where to access sleeping bag for client & barriers
What is Sal Van & barrier: do not give out many duplicates
Free counselling Services
What is: Counselling Connect, Walk-in Counselling Clinic, SWCHC
TED Referral Process
What is Sal Van
Where to refer when someone has questions about medication
What is - their provider (call/leave message), CHC, Pharmacy, Ottawa Public Health
Strategies to support someone experiencing withdrawal
- What is fluids, food, validation, safety planning, how to make comfortable
Resources to someone experiencing eviction
What is:
Circle of care - who else is supporting them? Case manager?
Legal Aid Ontario
Shepherd's Housing
Catherine Hub
Outreach Services in Ottawa
What is: STORM, Site Van, TI, Sal Van
When to call non-emergency services?
What is many examples
Strategies to advocate for client at ER
What is
- Make plan with client on their goal and who says what
- Write down interaction
- Kill with kindness
- Ensure accountability/follow up
Other services that provide gear
What is: Sandy Hill, Centretown, Site Van, Trailer, Inner City Health.. where else?
3 Places to get a hot meal
What is:
St. Luke's
Centre 454
Indigenous Services in Ottawa
What is: Wabano, Minnwashin, TI, Inuuqatigiit, Odawa
DAILY DOUBLE - Services available at Somerset West
What is - who can name the most?