What is the main goal of "motto" of the distress tolerance skills?
Don't make it worse
Wearing comfortable clothing is an example of this skill
Self soothe with touch
An example of this skill is going for a walk or playing chess
Name the skill that involves taking reality as it is
Radical acceptance
True or false: DT skills are skills we use to solve problem. Explain
False. DT skills are skills we use in the moment to reduce distress so that we can re-approach the problem more effectively once our distress has reduced.
This skill involves seeing the beauty in "ordinary things" or your everyday surrounding
Self soothe with sight
The skill involving taking a break and doing something enjoyable
An example of this skill is mentally locking your distress in a box and putting it on a shelf
Push away
What is the name of the skill when you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a situation?
Pros and cons
This is a skill is a skill to use when you are stuck
This skill involves integrating your senses into a rich experience
Multi-sensory self soothe
The skill which emphasizes the purpose of surviving distress
An example of this skill is watching a funny movie when feeling sad or distressed
Name the skill that involves accepting emotions and urges by riding their ebbs and flows
Urge surfing
True of false: every one of the DT skills will work for me no matter what, as long as I use the right one. Explain.
False. We need to practice DT skills to know which ones will and will not work (given the situaiton), as well as becoming competent in using them.
This skill engages in those parts of your mental life that bring you relaxation
This skill uses positive self-talk to make the here and now better
Thinking about a time in the past when you handled a situation similar to the one you are experiencing now is an example of what skill?
Name the skill that removes the means of acting on unhelpful urges
Bridge burning
BONUS: what skill do we use with BB?
DAILY DOUBLE: when determining whether to use DT skills or attend to the problem, we ask ourselves what 3 questions?
1. Am I able to solve the problem?
2. Is it an ok time to solve the problem?
3. Am I in wise mind enough to solve the problem?
We self sooth through the sense with mindful reflection, ritual, and contemplation
Spiritual sense
When you have many problems, pick the most important one to focus on or the one you have the most resources to solve. This is an example of which skill?
An example of this skill is counting to 100 when angry
Name the skill that brings you back to the here and now
Ground yourself