What is mainstreaming?
The inclusion of students with special needs in the general education classroom.
What is the IEP team?
A team of people such as the teachers and psychologist that come together to put an IEP together.
Who are students with disabilities?
Learning disabilities, speech language, emotional behavioral disorders.
What is diversity?
Differences in culture, education, religious or SES background.
What is positive reinforcement?
The behavior is followed by a pleasant stimuli.
What is inclusion?
Describes the placement of students with special needs in the general education classroom.
What is a 504 accommodation plan?
Creating an individualized education plan for students that are not in need of an extensive IEP.
What is information processing?
The way a person receives, stores or processes information.
What is culture?
Sharing the same values beliefs and traditions.
What is extinction?
The removal of the reinforcers that previously follows behavior.
Who are culturally and linguistically diverse students?
Their customs, traditions and values set them apart from their peers.
Who is on the IEP team?
teachers, psychologist, slp, and Ot
What is an emotional behavioral disorder?
Known as troublemakers and cause trouble.
What is multicultural education?
Began 50 years ago with the civil rights movement and includes incorporating various backgrounds in education.
What is token economy?
Students are presented with tokens rather than reinforcers after good behavior.
What is an IEP?
a team of individuals with a vested interest in the student to perform a service.
What are the special education classrooms that people can be in?
SDC, RSP or residential
What is a speech language impairment?
Articulation or difficulty with sounds or speech.
What are transitions?
Preparing for the next stage or sequence of something.
What are some social problems in the classroom?
Social skills problems that cause difficulty with friendships and anxiety being in classrooms.
What are some benefits to inclusion?
Non disabled and disabled students can interact with each other.
What is a program modification or support?
A shortened school day or special devices.
What is ADHD?
Its attention deficit hyperactive disorder and characterized by impulsivity and hyperactivity.
What are qualities of effective teachers?
Maintain focus, differentiate instruction, high expectations, proactive classroom management.
What is cognitive behavioral training?
Improves behavior by changing thinking patterns.