Identify #3
What is the thyroid cartilage?
Identify #7
What are the vocal folds?
True or false: Shorter and thicker vocal folds produces a higher sound
What is the function of the epiglottis?
Prevents food and drink from entering the windpipe
True or false: The larynx is suspended from the hyoid bone
Identify #2
What is the hyoid bone?
Identify #5
What is the thyroarytenoid muscle?
What is oscillation?
When the surface of the vocal folds ripple in a wave-like motion
What is the function of the thyroarytenoid muscle?
Shortens vocal folds, lower pitch
Explain two ways to promote good vocal health
Rest, hydration, healthy speaking and singing
Identify #4
What is the cricoid cartilage?
Identify #8
What is the cricothyroid muscle?
What is the difference between abduction and adduction?
Adduction: vocal folds drawn together
Abduction: vocal folds drawn apart
What is the function of cricothyroid muscle?
Lengthens vocal folds, higher pitch
Name three of the body parts involved in the breathing process
Larynx, trachea, lungs, diaphragm, ribs, intercostal muscles
Identify #1
What is the epiglottis?
Identify #3
What are the arytenoid cartilages?
What is the glottis?
The opening between the vocal folds
What is the function of thyroid cartilage?
Forms front part of larynx, protects and supports vocal folds
What are the vocal folds doing during respiration and phonation?
Respiration: vocal folds are open (abduction)
Phonation: vocal folds are closed (adduction)
Identify #6
What is arytenoid cartilage?
Identify #2
What is the trachea?
The velocity of air determines adduction and the speed of oscillation (how strong the tone and which pitch)
What is the function of the arytenoid cartilage?
Helps move vocal folds, aids in tension and relaxation
Name the five cartilages we studied in the laryngeal anatomy
Thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, trachea, epiglottis