What are the three sides of the health triangle?
Physical, mental/emotional and social.
This gets deeper during puberty.
Male voice.
These widen for females.
The process of "turning into an adult".
What can keep acne under control?
Washing your face.
Give examples for each side of the health triangle.
Answers will vary.
Boys notice growth in these during puberty.
What increases for females during puberty.
What is social ddevelopment?
Relating and communicating to the people in your life in different ways.
This should be done at least once per day to avoid body odor and diseases.
What is wellness?
A persons overall health based on the decisions they make.
This hormone increases drastically in boys.
This hormone drastically increases in girls.
What are physical changes?
Visual changes you will notice about your body during puberty.
You should do this at least twice per day to keep your teeth healthy.
Brushing your teeth.
3 positive ways to improve wellness.
What is sperm.
Produced by males and is required for reproduction.
These develop during female puberty.
What is mental development?
The ability to think logically about outcomes and consequences of your actions.
This is used to prevent bad breath and cavities in between your teeth.
Flossing your teeth.
3 negative impacts to your wellness.
Answers will vary.
What starts to grow on males?
Facial hair
What begins for females during puberty?
What is emotional development?
Experiencing different feelings and being unsure of why you are feeling that way sometimes.
This should be worn by all adolescence and adults to prevent body odor and sweating.