In Exodus, God promises to "rain bread from heaven"; when the Israelites see it, they call it this
1960s playboy/spy wakes up in the 1990s; playboy/spy travels back to the 1960s; playboy/spy travels back to 1975
Austin Powers
This cavalry leader left a pack of about 40 dogs behind when he went to the Little Bighorn
George Custer
Surrounding General Douglas MacArthur's birthplace, MacArthur Park melts in the dark in this capital city
Little Rock
Baby Boo & autumn gold are varieties of this gourd that's popular during fall holidays
A version known as the "Wicked Bible" was printed in 1631 with the typo "Thou shalt commit" this sin
Killings intercut with baptism; killings in Cuba; killings intercut with an opera
The Godfather
In the novel Old Yeller catches this viral disease from a wolf's bite
The discovery of a 3.03-carat one in 1990 had Arkansas' Crater of these State Park living up to its name
As fall begins in North America, so does this zodiac sign
The shortest verse in the King James Bible is John 11:35, these 2 words
Jesus wept
DD: Movie earns 4 Oscars; movie earns 2 Oscars; movie earns 11 Oscars
Lord of the Rings
In May 1805 Scannon, a Newfoundland saved this expedition from a charging buffalo
Lewis and Clark expedition
Near Eureka Springs, Thorncrown Chapel began when Jim Reed offered a resting place for visitors who came to view thesemountains
The Ozarks
In the 8th century November 1 emerged as this holy day to honor the entirety of the canonized
All Saints Day
Biblical dreamers include Joseph & in the gospel of Matthew, the wife of this Roman governor
Heist in Vegas; heist in Europe; heist in Vegas
The Oceans trilogy
Catch dogs & heelers helped humans drive these animals along the Chisholm Trail
If you call yourself the spinach capital of the world, you better have a statue of this character, & Alma, Arkansas does, in his own park
An early version of this tradition was in Nov. 1911 when the U. of Missouri's athletic director had alumni visit for the Kansas game
Not to be confused with Barabbas, this companion of Paul has sometimes been credited with writing the epistle to the Hebrews
Hero visits parents; hero visits kids; hero visits great-great-grandparents
Back to the Future
Developed by Plains Indians, this device consisted of a frame on 2 poles dragged by a dog
The University of Arkansas team name was the Cardinals until 1910, when a student vote changed the mascot to this animal
From the Latin for "fall off", this adjective describes trees that lose their leaves in fall