1st released in 1991, this character was created to combat Nintendo's hold on the gaming industry
Sonic the Hedgehog
this was the 1st game to feature long time company mascot, Mario.
Donkey Kong
when starting a new character in the hit MMO Final fantasy xiv, what are the 3 city-states you can start from?
In Elden Ring This is the cardinal sin the player commits to access the Erdtree.
Burning it.
Haurchefant Greystone
named Ryu Ga Gotoku in japan, this action series has gained a huge following in the west in recent years.
Falco ain't in this combo. Where are you at?
Wombo Combo.
Member of the syndicate and casino owner, this man's son is the main character of a comedy-oriented sidequest series.
Godbert Manderville.
In Bloodborne Who is the first hunter of the church?
Pipin Tarupin
Set in a Sci-fi setting and released in 1987, this game was SEGA's answer to final fantasy.
Phantasy Star
Released in 2018, this Nintendo published fighting is now the single best selling fighting game of all time.
Integral to the end of Heavensward Omega and Shinryu made their debut in what game?
Final Fantasy V
who is this?
Havel, the Rock
Originally released in 1996, this spin-off series has outsold the series it was based on.
Fought twice within Final Fantasy XIV, this boss made their debut as the final boss of final fantasy iii.
Cloud of Darkness
in the original dark souls This area, plagued by a low framerate on consoles and a swampy lower level, is often almost entirely skipped by using the Master Key to access a shortcut.
Blight town
This was the 1st SEGA game on a Nintendo console.
Wild Gunman
Introduced in generation 5, this pokemon is the only pokemon to ever have the number 000
What is Emet-Selch's familial relation to Zenos
Great Grandfather
Aside from defeating Gehrman what other requirement needs to be completed in order to obtain the true ending of bloodborne.
Consume 3 umbilical cords
Edda Pureheart