What is the value of the 7 in the number 37895 ?
What is 7 thousands ?
325 + 403 =
What is 728 ?
How much money is shown above?
What is $365 ?
How many sides does a HEXAGON has ?
What is 6 sides ?
What is a unit Fraction.
What is any fraction with one as the numerator.
Nine thousand four hundred and eight written in numbers is ?
What is 9408 ?
8306 - 568 =
What is 7738 ?
$5896.20 - $1457.50 =
What is $4438.70 ?
The distance around a circle and Square are known as ?
What is Circumference and Perimeter ?
Find or show 3/4 of 32.
What is 24 ?
put the following in Descending order 5807, 7850, 5078, 7085 and 8075.
What is 8075, 7850, 7085, 5807 and 5078.
What is the Product of 12 and 23 ?
What is 276 ?
What is $ 1143.85 ?
If a Square has a perimeter of 8cm. What is its Area ?
What is 4cm2 ?
Give a fraction equivalent 2/7.
What is 4/14 , 6/21 or 8/28 ?
Which numeral is in the thousands place in the number 80789 ?
What is 0 (zero) ?
What is the 864 ÷ 4 = ?
What is 216 ?
How much change will one get from $1000.00. If one buys a bike for $469.00 and a helmet for $83.75.
What is $447.25 ?
What is Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Cylinder, Cone or Pyramid.
Joan shared a cake if 16 equals pieces. If she gave Harry 2/16, J'naya 3/16 and Omari 5/16. What fraction does she have left?
What is 6/16 or 3/8 ?
Three boys collected shells. Deshawn collected 108 shells, Ramos found 226 shells and Darren got 93 shells. How many shells did they collect altogether.
What is 427 ?
Tracy was given a book on her birthday. The book has 1456 pages. She read 588 pages. How many pages are left for her to read?
What is 868 ?
Ms. Leonce buys a car for $14500.00. IF she sells it for $19450.00. What profit does she make?
What is a profit of $4950.00.
The cord on Kacy's Kite is 800m long. The cord broke yesterday when she was Flying kite. If she lost 1/2km when the cord broke. How much of the cord does she have left?
What is 300m ?
The population of the Babonneau Primary School is 120 teachers, boys and girls. If 1/5 of the total population are teachers and 1/2 of the total population are boys. How many girls are at the School?
What is 30 girls.